Chapter Five

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Alex James

It was lunchtime, and the other students were still buzzing about Olivia's.. "incident". Was that too much of an understatement? The worst thing about this was the fact that I was receiving more attention for picking her up and getting her to the nurse's office. It was dumb, and I even heard that someone posted a video on it. What happened to "be careful what you post online?" Every time someone peered at me, I would glare back until they turned away (which wouldn't be too long).

As I trudged down the hall and got to my locker, a few students pushed past me toward the cafeteria, laughing like a pack of hyenas. I silently glared at them as they passed. What a bunch of fucking hair-for-brains. I tried to ignore them, but their conversation caught my attention.

"Yeah!" One of them exclaimed. "He texted me and said that they're throwing food at her!!"

The other then laughed at his explanation for their run, "She deserves it, that stupid cutter!"


Her name ran through my mind as soon as they said the word 'cutter'. They don't even know the whole damn story! My hand clenched into a fist. What're they doing, calling her a cutter just because she was beaten up by her shit dad?!

I slammed my locker door shut and grabbed my backpack, running after them to where the cafeteria was located. Once I reached the huge room, I pushed open the doors, only to find a filthy mess before me. Food was everywhere, all being thrown in one direction. I could barely see anything from all the ketchup and mayonnaise on the floor, and the walls were lined with salad dressing. What the hell is this?! People from behind me shoved through and grabbed garbage from the trash bin. They chucked it over to the middle of the cafeteria, not questioning anything.

At the center of the attraction, Olivia was sitting on the floor, her face in her hands as she tried to stop herself from crying. My eyes widened as the rest of the students began laughing and shouting louder, throwing more disgusting things at her. Someone even threw their homework at her. What the actual fuck? I looked over and saw that it was a cheerleader with a wide grin on her face, quietly noting that down. Olivia's hair was soggy and spoiled, and so were her shirt and jeans. She was wiping away the food and tears from her face.

Without thinking, without a second thought, and without a fucking damn to give, I dropped my backpack, letting it slide down to the entrance of the cafeteria, and rushed over to her.

Olivia Hernandez (5 minutes earlier)

"Hey, you!" One of the senior cheerleaders yelled from across the cafeteria, letting everyone hear. Attention whore. "You cut, right?" I remained silent, but nonetheless startled by her question. Where'd they get that idea from? "Can you tell me what it feels like to be an idiot?"

She laughed at her own joke (thought it wasn't really funny), as did the people in the cafeteria, who had wondered why the cheerleader was talking to me. They only followed in her footsteps. Why would you follow a legacy as bad as hers? I turned to look at her, my eyes blank as a few gazes watched me for a response.

I fiddled with my pen, nervous, and boldly replied, "I wouldn't know. You tell me! With all those layers of makeup, it'd be easy to explain, wouldn't it?"

The cafeteria silenced, and the cheerleader's face became beet red. "How dare you speak back to me!" Oh please, slut. I rolled my eyes. You aren't better than anyone in here. "You should learn to respect your superiors, little peasant!"

"By superiors, I hope you don't mean yourself!" I shot back.


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