Chapter Twenty Eight

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Alex James (Sophomore)

It had been a few weeks ever since I had left. No one had contacted me except Mom, and I was worried about someone in particular. Ever since Bri and I set off, she's been more annoyingly frustrating to be with, but I was used to it by now.

I didn't mind because I was too busy thinking of someone else.

I regretted everything I said. She heard everything I had said but never meant. It was only now that I realized I missed her. I missed playing UNO with her (I still lost every round), I missed putting my arm on her shoulder, I missed trying to get her to carry me even though she protested I was too heavy. I just missed her so much...

Her smile was still so clear in my mind, the way her green eyes glinted whenever she had a mischievous plan in her head. I missed how frizzy her strawberry blonde hair was whenever she brushed it in an attempt to look more presentable.

But, whenever I thought of her, the memory flashed onto the day I saw her cry. When she cried because of me. Her green eyes drowning in her tears, asking me why, the way she looked down in disappointment, and the words she had told me.

It was like living a contradiction.

Missing the one I hurt most.

I shook my head and looked back at the board. Mom paid for this education.

I had to give it my worthwhile.

Olivia Hernandez (Junior)

A year. An entire year passed. I haven't heard from him since. I had a new friend after Jen had left for college, becoming roommates with Kevin in a unique college. My friend's name was Cody, Cody Jaxon. He was the same age as me, and the funny thing was, he was older than me by a day. We were walking down the halls of the high school, where most of the girls complained about Alex's disappearance and Bri's "training".

As we walked by, I stopped and turned around, hearing some shouting behind me. A boy with brown hair and blue eyes shown to be as a lost freshman, almost an exact copy of Alex, was being bullied by a group of seniors.

"We gotta help him," Cody said, following my gaze.

I nodded. "Yeah.." I immediately ran up to the scene, Cody following after me. I tore one of them off of the freshman, pushing him away as the freshman squeaked. My eyes darkened at the senior in front of me, whose eyes were just a hostile as mine. "And what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"None of your business, scum!"

One of them aimed a punch for me. Cody slid in between us and grabbed his fist, staring at the senior with a cold flaming gaze. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." A wicked grin crossed over his face as he said, "I'll stuff hot ass macaroni and cheese down your pants, you moron."

Alex James (Junior)

Bri and I were walking down the halls. It was tiring here, but I had a little bit of time left before I could go back home. I almost choked when someone ran into me. They fell to the floor, and I looked down to see a girl. Her glasses had fallen, and her books were sprawled on the floor.

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