Chapter Forty Three

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Olivia Hernandez

"You alright?" Jen asked behind me with Bri's arm wrapped around her shoulders for support.

Bri nodded tiredly, "I'm fine. Just a little slow."

Kevin was patrolling in front of us, searching for Alex and Cody while also looking around for any of the enemy's men. It looked as if the men had left into the building, after Alex and Cody might've entered with all of them unconscious. Alex hadn't replied to my bio-link which meant he was either in trouble, or he muted his notifications.

That stupid idiot! Don't mute your notifications when you know someone is going to bio-link you!

"Anything yet, Kevin?" I questioned, leaning to the side to look at him.

He shook his head, peering around at the scenery before us. "Nothing much. Looks like we should prepare to fight once we head into the building." We stood outside of the building, hiding in the tall grasses.

"Fuck.." Bri mumbled, hearing his words. Suddenly, with her hurt foot, she stomped it into the ground and cried out in pain. Jen was about to scold her for her rash actions, but Bri interrupted her with a determined expression and said, "Let's go."

"Alright then.." Jen murmured, unsure of how to feel.

I turned to face the building and looked at the clear window about a story above us. Don't worry, Alex. We'll be there soon.

Alex James

Cody and I had become separated from fighting with all the men. The corridors were flooded with them, and the only way to hide was to dress like them. We had ran into a closet a few minutes ago and dressed in a few of their camo-printed shirts and pants. No weapons were found in there, but that was also good. It looked like guns were too "mainstream" for them, even though I considered the incident in the graveyard about two years ago.

Cody was texting me with his Apple Watch, and it seemed that he was alright. That was a good thing out of all this. I let out a huff of breath and peered out a window from the end of a corridor. A bunch of Jeeps were driving off from the back, and I raised my eyebrow. At least every single man from this gang left. But I doubt Daniel or Dad did at all. I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw.

They're waiting for us to find them.

But then again, Dad would totally have some men lurking for Cody.


I whipped around at the voice and saw Olivia running towards me with cuts on her face and arms. My eyes widened, and she jumped onto me, her arms wrapping around my torso. She had a small smile on her face, full of joy that I wasn't dead.

"What're you doing here?" I asked incredulously.

She looked up at me and smiled, "Saving you, of course." She turned around, looking for any possible people that would watching us and whispered in my ear, "I know where Daniel and your father are."

"Tell me, and I'll go confront them."

She nodded. I'm glad she trusts me now. She's always worried about me, so it's my turn to save her. "They're on the third floor, and somewhere in the second room on the first hallway from the stairs to the left."

"Alright," I said, patting the top of her head. She smiled up at me, happy to be of assistance, "Bye. I'll see you later!" I began running towards the flight of stairs as she watched me, but then stopped at the steps. I paused and turned around to look back at her. Olivia was glancing back at me with confusion in her eyes. I grinned and yelled, "I love you!"

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