Chapter Twenty Seven

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I was sat down on the ground with Jen, who had insisted on continuing our UNO game. No one, surprisingly in the time we had since the car ride, had won the game at all.


"I WILL defeat you!" I exclaimed, my eyes brightening.

Jen replied back with a laugh, "Thou shall not win! It shall be I!" I had two more cards, and she did as well. She put down a WILD card, saying slyly, "Red. Uno, by the way."

I put down a red 8, a smile on my face. "Uno." I said. I sat up straight and winked at her, knowing what color she had in her deck as she cursed under her breath. "Check. And. Mate."


She grabbed a card from the deck off to the side reluctantly, already knowing how it would end. This is my chance! I slapped down my plus four WILD card onto the ground, in an almost aggressive manner. Jen groaned and fell in the sand as I cheered brightly at my win.

Felicity giggled, watching over our game. "Good job, Olivia! Don't forget, we have snacks if you're hungry!"

Both Alex and Kevin had been surfing, which was weird since I didn't know they had surfed before. It was still awkward after this morning, but I was slowly getting back to normal, as well as my bonds between the family. Just piece by piece. I grabbed a huge watermelon slice and bit into it, Jen following after me as soon as she put the cards away. She and I had mango smoothies with us as well.

"These are so good.." she muttered, nodding.

"You think EVERYTHING is good," I replied, making her nod, saying a quick 'true'.


Jen and I had finished eating, and we sat at the beach, the water brushing up our legs. I had to admit, it tickled a bit since I've never been to a beach before this experience. We both decided to make a sand castle. I was collecting sand into a bucket, giving it to Jen who walked a few feet away from the water to our castle. I continued, since we had three buckets, and we alternated, Jen giving the empty bucket to me with me giving her the full one.

Soon, we finished it.

"Finally!" I giggled happily.

Jen smiled widely, "We did it!"

We high-fived each other and sighed, plopping onto the ground with exhaustion creeping in our bones. I looked up and saw her staring at the sky, the clouds passing around the sun, almost like they were avoiding it. I wanna do more things here.

I got onto my feet and looked down at her, "Wanna go swimming?"

Even though I had thought I didn't want to earlier, I guess it would be a waste, since the weather was clearly nice. Jen nodded in response. We headed towards to dressing rooms near the docks and changed. I ran over to get the volleyball, and Jen followed me as we ran into the water.

We were a few meters away from each other, and I yelled towards her, "You serve first!"

I tossed her the ball and she nodded in agreement. "Serving!" She said, and smacked the ball towards me.

My eyes followed the flying sphere, and I moved back, the water brushing against my thighs. It's an oddly satisfying feeling. I set it over to her, and she bumped it forward. We continued playing in the water until lunch time rolled around. It was about 1:00 now, and we were all under the umbrellas or on the towels, eating sandwiches. I had a turkey and cheese sandwich with some bacon and mayonnaise. Jen had the same thing as me, accept with ham instead of turkey.

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