Chapter Twenty One

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Alex James

Olivia turned to look at me with a smile. I looked back at her as she asked, "It feels like a completely normal day, doesn't it?"

I grinned at her and agreed, "Yeah."

Ocean chirped twice, and I heard Olivia laugh at the response. As we stayed silent, eating our sandwiches, I turned my head to peer at Olivia. She didn't notice luckily and just stared out at the sky, looking at the clouds. A smile made its way onto my face, and I followed her gaze to see her staring at a cloud shaped like a heart. It reminded of that one time near Kevin's car, where I almost said I liked her.

I didn't know why.

I almost said that I had liked her, even though I didn't intend to. When she looked down in disappointment, I instantly regretted stopping my words from spilling out my mouth. I hurt her feelings. It seems as if she had expected me to say that I liked her. Suddenly, I remembered something. I tapped Olivia's shoulder for her attention, and she turned to me.

"I forgot to tell you!" I exclaimed.

She tilted her head to the side, confused. "About what?"

"Mom had already asked a few colleges to see if they were available two years in advance for me," I replied, laughing nervously when I thought of Mom rampaging on the phone.

Olivia gasped in surprise. "Really? Which ones?"

"Well, she suggested UCLA first, since she wanted it to be close to home. Then she requested Harvard, which seems ridiculous, looking at our money deposit. And then University of Notre Dame, which seems hilariously fancy, and Emerson College in Boston. And she went for a long shot, Yale." I sighed, looking at the sky. "She has so many high hopes. But, to be honest, they are pretty good colleges.."

Olivia smiled brightly, "Then I hope you get into one of them!"

"But I don't want to go anywhere..." I replied. Quietly, I added in, "Unless it's with you.."

She didn't hear the last part, saying, "Pardon?"

"Nothing," I said quickly, giving her a grin, "Nothing at all."


Olivia and I had made it home, only to see Kevin hoarding all the snacks in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt while Jen was running around, giving him soup and swiping away the junk food in his arms. I closed the door as we both walked in.

"What's... going on?" Olivia asked.

I could say the same. Jen looked up and squealed happily, "Finally! You guys took forever to get here. Kevin is sick, and Felicity just went to get some more food for the pantry since HE ATE ALL THE DAMN SNACKS!!"

Kevin grumbled, muttering something about Jen being over-dramatic. Jen must've heard him and whacked him with a rag in her hand.

Olivia put down her bag and laughed a little. "I can help, if you want."

Olivia Hernandez

Jen sighed in relief. "Thank goodness!" She peered at Kevin, and I noticed the cute smile on her face as she laughed lightly, "I swear, he eats more than you do, Livvy."

I giggled, "Must've been hard for him to surpass that."

Jen rolled her eyes with a smile. Soon, the both of us began to make some real food instead of letting the boys eat salty junk. I had decided to make a simple bread dip, and Jen decided to make the bread. I wanted it to be cheesy, but not too unhealthy. I looked at the dining table to see the boys discussing things, and I laughed when Alex smacked Kevin across the face, his own face red.

Jen smiled as she began kneading the dough with her hands. "So, do you like anyone?"

My cheeks flared red immediately, and I looked back at the pot, mixing the cheese and milk together. I smiled and looked at her with a blush. "Yeah.."

"Who?" She asked with a smile. She added, "I'm betting on Alex."

"How'd you know?" I questioned with my eyes wide.

Jen shrugged and sent me a smirk, "Lucky guess."

I blew a strand of hair out of my face, and it flew over. Turning to Jen, I gave her a blank look, and she started laughing at me. I laughed in response. I was making a macaroni and cheese dip. With bacon and some spinach, it'd be delicious. As we continued cooking, I didn't notice the boys talking about me.

Alex James

"Shut up!" I grumbled.

Kevin chuckled, "Admit it. You obviously like her, you dumbass."

I rolled my eyes, but the undeniable blush kept on creeping up my neck. My ears were pink as well, since they felt hot, and I crossed my arms.

"Okay! Fine! I like her. So what? Not like Jen even notices you still like her anyways."

"That's different," Kevin protested.

I replied sarcastically, "Enlighten me."

"First, Jen and I have already been in a serious relationship once. You and Olivia haven't yet, at all. Second, Jen and I are more mature than you two." I rolled my eyes at his second reason. Are you really sure about that? "And third of all, Olivia isn't aware of your feelings, but you are of hers. For me, I don't know shit, and Jen as well."

"Stop arguing!" Jen yelled from the kitchen, coming into the dining room. She had bread on a plate she was holding with Olivia walking behind her with macaroni and cheese.

"Food..." I whispered, ogling it while it was set down on the table.

Jen sat next to Kevin, whacking his hand away from the bread rolls as Olivia took the seat beside mine.

"We should continue our game of True Or Dare!" Olivia suggested to distract the two immature semi-adults from arguing with each other. "Even if it was a while ago, we never finished it!"

Jen nodded, agreeing with her. "Okay then. You go first."

Olivia's cheeks puffed out as she began thinking of a question. She turned to me, making me look at her with a puzzled look. She then asked, "Truth or dare?"


"Have you ever been in a secret relationship without anyone knowing except for only one or two people?" Olivia asked, trying to hold in her taunting laughter.

Jen almost spit out the water she was drinking. My cheeks flushed red, and I let out a nervous chuckle, "Not a relationship, but I accidentally hugged a random girl at the park because someone pushed me."

"'Accidentally,' he says," Kevin snickered.

I ignored him and sent him a nasty glare. Looking at my brother, I asked him, "Truth or dare?"

We continued the game of Truth Or Dare. As soon as the game ended, none of Olivia or Jen's secrets were out, but Olivia had a book on her head, and Jen had a spoon in her mouth with a raw egg on it. Kevin was shirtless with barbecue sauce smeared on his stomach, the letters saying "Wimpy Kid". I had cheese from the macaroni and cheese smeared on my face, not knowing what it said or looked like.

Everyone was laughing their asses off, and I had to agree with Olivia earlier today. Even with techno brains, a little blue bird, a spirit, an abusive father in prison, and a completely crazy life... had to be the most normal day of my life.

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