Chapter Twenty Two

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As I walked out the door, Olivia, who was next to my mother, waved her arm wildly at me, yelling, "CALL ME WHEN YOU GET THERE, ALEX!!"

I was currently heading to the tours around the colleges, with my brother driving me to the starting point. I didn't listen much to anything my mother ranted to me because I was worried about what the students at school would do to Olivia without me there with her. I know she wasn't my responsibility, but she was still really important. She had been through too much to go through it again. I turned around and looked back at her.

Grinning, I shouted back, "I KNOW!!"

She smiled slightly as I got into the car. Kevin didn't say a word, and we drove off, Olivia's smile the last thing I saw. Then, I looked at the dashboard and let out a heavy breath.

"What do you want, Jen?" I asked, and immediately, Jen's face popped out from the back.

"Aww man!" She whined, pouting furiously. "How'd you know?"

I looked at her through the rearview mirror and replied, "I can legit see the outline of your body. Techno brain, remember?"

She slumped her head against the front seats. "Dammit, I forgot!"

"We have a plan," Kevin said, his eyes placed on the road.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at the two of them. Jen just smiled innocently, though it seemed as if she was going to haul my ass into Forever 21 to buy something for Olivia. Kevin stayed emotionless, but I could tell he was fighting back a smile, almost somewhat of a smirk.

"What's this plan you speak of?" I questioned, curious as to seeing their simple-minded brains could come up with a plan of "love".

Jen crossed her arms, the smile still on her lips. "On the last day of the tour, Kevin and I will accompany you to a music store to get something for Olivia."

"Uh... why?"

"Olivia said she wanted this one music journal to write her music in. And that music store is selling the last one because production stopped," Jen explained. "No one even makes a big deal out of it anyway because it's not really that special, but this is a big deal to her. Give her the gift, and maybe she might take a hint."

"And how much is this journal?"

"It's only five dollars or so," Kevin butted in, turning left before the light could turn yellow.

"Alright then. Let's do it."

Olivia Hernandez

Two weeks have passed, and to be honest, it felt lonely without Alex and Kevin. Jen had gone somewhere to visit her aunt, as she said, so I had the whole house to myself until Felicity came home, which unfortunately, I would be asleep by the time she got back. I had gone off to bake a few oatmeal cookies, which were Alex's favorite. It had taken me some time to be patient, since the cookies smelled amazing. My stomach growled suddenly, and I sighed. I'm super hungry, but I have to wait.

Suddenly, a notification in my gaze popped up.

Bio-Link From: Alex James
Hey! We're almost home. Just two or three miles left.

Bio-Link To: Alex James
I'll meet you outside! Glad you're back!!

I quickly took out the cookies and put them on a plate, walking out the front door. And just as I did, I heard someone squeal with surprise. Jen had jumped onto me, while also grabbing a cookie and hugging me tightly as I laughed. It was ironic how she had come back just as Alex did. Speaking of Alex, I spotted him out of the corner of my eye exiting the car. Jen let go of me, and I ran up to Alex, giving him a hug.

"You're finally back!" I exclaimed happily.

Alex hugged me back, while grabbing a cookie into his mouth. I couldn't help but giggle when he did so. He pulled back quickly and looked away, a light blush on his face. I was a little confused at this, and he suddenly pushed a notebook towards me. I blinked at it. Taking it from his hands and holding it up, I looked at it clearly. My eyes widened when I realized it was the notebook I had wanted for Christmas, an old brown leather notebook with dusted old pages, blank lines on it. The front was pinned by a magnetic locket, and a bookmark hung out lazily.

"You actually got this... for me?"

Alex nodded, still not daring to look in my direction. I had to admit, my cheeks felt like they were burning. He shoved his hands in his jean pockets awkwardly. "I heard you wanted it from Jen, so I went to the store to buy the last one for you."

"Oh wow... Thank you!" I replied, my heart bursting excitedly. "That's really nice of you, Alex."

Alex took the platter from my hands and said, "And thank you for these. They are mine now."

"Alex!" I whined, following him as he walked into the house.

Kevin and Jen laughed behind me, trailing behind us as we chased each other into the house. Felicity would be back soon, but that didn't keep us from almost destroying the house. As we walked in, I could sense Jen and Kevin fist-bumping each other, as if they had accomplished something.

Alex's Adventure For The Music Journal

As Jen, Kevin and I walked into the store, we immediately spotted the journal, seeing that it was on display at the very front of a counter. Sighing heavily, I strolled over to it, wanting to get this over with. I was just about to take it, until someone else had also done the same. I paused and looked up to see the same senior from before, the one where I had thrown his lunch onto the floor. He gave me a look, and as did I.

"I'm getting this notebook for one of my friends," he barked, grabbing the notebook from the stand.

I chuckled, taking it back, "How funny. You actually have friends?"

"You gonna try to take it from us?" The girl behind him asked, glaring at me. "We'll literally smear your carcass on the floor if we have to."

Jen butted in after checking out a few other things. She must've sensed the trouble because she peered at the girl up and down, crossing her arms as a grimace crossed her face. "Oh honey, what are you wearing? It looks like you crossed over into Nicki Minaj's closet, then hopped over into the Roman period." Jen faked a gag, turning her body away slightly. "Those shoes with that cardigan? Oh my god.."

The girl, needless to say, was offended by Jen's analysis. Her boyfriend, standing beside her, glowered at Jen. "I don't usually fight girls, but I would honestly like to punch you for fun." Jen twitched lightly at this.

I laughed at his statement, making his gaze snap to mine. "I wouldn't try that if I were you, senior."

"And why not?"

Someone had walked up behind him, the shadow casting over his figure. He turned around and saw Kevin death-glaring into his thick skull, his eyes piercing his gaze. The boyfriend immediately backed up against the wall with the girl following his actions.

"I won't hesitate to kill you if you try to hurt her," Kevin muttered menacingly.

He bumped his shoulder against the boyfriend and took his place beside Jen, his arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer to him. Jen's face exploded with embarrassment, and she hid behind him.

"We'll be going now," I said, my grasp on the notebook right. "This conversation is over."

The senior didn't give up, clearly not knowing when to stop. "If we land a punch on you, we get the book, yeah? Same thing visa versa."

I raised my eyebrow, turning to him. "Oh?" I pretended to think about it. What an interesting concept. How stupidly violent. My arm reacted quickly, striking a punch into his face. He stumbled backwards.

"What the fuck, man?! We didn't even fucking start yet!" The senior cursed, wiping the blood from his lip.

I grinned down at him, my eyes almost glowing, and said, "In a world full of monsters, greed far surpasses when to start a fight."

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