Chapter Thirty Five

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Olivia Hernandez

I was sitting at the edge of the water with Bri as we watched Jen play against Alex, Cody, and Kevin altogether at volleyball. I wasn't surprised when she was winning. I was in plain shorts and a t-shirt, since I barely showed off any skin from my torso. Bri was exactly the same way as I was. She wouldn't stop bugging me about how she saw Alex hugging me in the car, and it was very embarrassing.

"He was just doing it because I was scared," I replied once again, my cheeks puffed out in defiance.

Bri giggled and winked at me, "Sure. I'll believe you, but not entirely."

"Man, shut up!" I whined chilishly. She held in her laugh, and we continued watching the others playing volleyball. "Wanna get some food at the snack shack?"

Bri nodded excitedly, and I stood up, helping her to her feet. We skipped towards the snack shack, which was my favorite part of the beach. They had ice cream, drinks, and a lot of other food as well. As we ate our ice cream, I began to think of what she had told me before. Maybe Alex likes you. I mentally rolled my eyes. Never in my life have I heard such a lie from someone ultra nice. It was true that it was a lie. I couldn't just believe things people told me, especially since they only knew a lopsided story. I sighed and stood up, smiling down at Bri.

"Let's go back. They might be worrying about us right now, since we didn't tell them."

"You're right," she replied, standing up as well.

We didn't get to far until two creeps began to follow us. I noticed that Bri could sense their presence. She was obviously feeling out of place. Soon, I stopped and so did they. I turned around, and Bri hid behind me, scared out of her innocent mind. I looked at the both of them and realized they were from our rivaling school, West Wing. They were the top swimming athletes there, definitely.

"Anything you need?" I asked, annoyance laced in my words.

One of them smirked, making me feel suspicious. "Nothing."

I snorted in an unladylike manner and crossed my arms, glaring at them. "I find that very hard to believe, especially coming from you." They both had a mischievous glint in their eyes, and I knew immediately they were disgusting perverts trying to pick up girls. I grabbed Bri and whispered in her ear, "Run and get the others. Don't look back." She nodded softly. Her tight grip on my arm disappeared as she ran off to find the others.

"Where're you going?!" The other guy yelled. He tried to run after her.

I stopped him by stepping in front of him, making him stop abruptly. "I don't think so. To get to her," I said, looking between the two, "you have to get through me." They both began circling me, and my green eyes glared back at them.

The blonde (the first one) then replied with a smirk, "You really think you, a puny and tiny little girl, could take us down?"

I smiled innocently and nodded. "Quite easily."

The raven rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. He pulled me a little too roughly, and my bare feet scraped against the rocks in the sand. An arm wrapped around my waist, keeping me locked. To say I was disgusted was an understatement. I was beyond disgusted by their actions.

"Aw," the raven cooed, "How cute. Tryna act tough, are ya?"

I tried to get out of his grasp, but his arm clamped around my waist, almost forcing the air out of my lungs. I managed to take in a breath, and the blonde grabbed my chin in his hand, pulling my face towards his. I almost wanted to claw his eyes out, and I wish I could if it wasn't for the raven, who had also trapped my arms. A fire began sparking in my stomach, and I could feel a monster starting to form.

"Let go of me," I said, my jaw clenched. "You might regret doing this if you don't."

"Oh?" The raven asked from behind me, his voice draining into my ear. "Tell us. Who will make us pay if we don't let go?"

"You'll see," I said, "in time. You have five seconds to let go."

The blonde chuckled, "You really think you can scare us like that?" If only he knew he was wrong. I could hear someone coming and smiled.

"Try it," I dared. "Try to hurt me. You can kick me. Punch me. Throw me down to the ground. You'll only get bitten back."

The blonde rolled his eyes. Good, find a brain back there somewhere, you fucking asshole. "I'll do the honors then," he sighed lazily.

He leaned in suddenly, trying to go for a kiss. My eyes widened suddenly, expecting something else from him. Abruptly, someone knocked him straight to the floor.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER," Alex yelled, his blue eyes lit with an ocean of rage. "TOUCH HER AGAIN, AND I'LL RIP YOUR LIMBS OFF."

The raven's arm let go of me when someone else had punched him to the ground. "THAT GOES THE SAME WAY FOR ME, BUDDY," Cody's voice shouted.

Bri came running in, and she hugged me tightly. "Oh, thank goodness you're alright!"

I giggled. "I'm fine, as per usual."

"We should probably stand back.." she replied, her eyes wide. "Alex looks like he's going on a bloodlust rage." I turned around, and surely enough, the raven and blonde were bleeding before Alex, who was glaring daggers into their souls.

"Cody." Alex said darkly, his voice harsh. "Hold back. They're mine."

"Sure," Cody replied. He strolled over to us.

"What?!" I squeaked quietly. "He can't take them both! He barely survived fighting Julian, so what makes him think he can fight those two himself? Each are at least twice as strong as Julian.."

Bri had a hand over her mouth as she whispered, "That's because he isn't Alex right now, Olivia. He's on the path to being a part-time murderer."


She's right. Alex's eyes seemed brighter, and he was beating the both of them up at the same time. He nearly missed a punch from the raven, and punched him quickly, all while kicking back the blonde who tried to tackle him to the floor with a jump. Alex quickly avoided a kick from the raven, but the blonde was able to keep him in a headlock, choking him. My eyes widened, and I tried to hold back from jumping in.

The raven was about to jump on Alex from the front, but he able to flip the blonde over, the raven jumping on the blonde with a deafening crack. Ooh, that's gotta hurt. Cody had a blank face, as if he knew this would've happened, but both Bri and I were just shocked at this. Never in my life have I seen Alex so... bloodthirsty. He's not ready to fight. He's prepared to kill. After knocking both the raven and blonde to the floor, he wiped away the blood from his cheek.

My eyes widened in pure fear. Alex's blue eyes glared down at them as the raven and blonde cowered down at the sight of him. A thought crossed my mind as they pleaded for freedom.

Those are the eyes of a killer.

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