[Wedding Special]

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Happy Valentine's Day from California my lovelies!

Today's special will include:
- The Proposal
- Wedding Preparations
- The Wedding Ceremony

Remember, it's also Olivia's birthday! Don't forget that! Anyways..


Olivia Hernandez


I looked up from my book and saw Bri and Cody standing in front of me. As always, they were the cutest couple. Ever since college graduation, we all prepared ourselves for the real world. Alex said he had to go to a job interview, so he left me home. Bri had the most excited sparkle in her eyes as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up, making me squeal. Even if she was 23 years old, she was a petite figure, yet strong.

"What? Is something happening?" I asked, putting my book down before she dragged me off the porch.

"Ah, no, no," she replied, "Cody and I thought that since Alex isn't with you, we'd hang out with you."

I smiled and said, "That's very nice of you guys." I used my other hand and pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear. "But I wanted to wait until Alex came back."

"Just call him after we're done," Bri waved off. She pulled me into her convertible and pushed me into the passenger seat. Her eyes sparkled again and she smiled. "C'mon Olivia! Ever since we graduated, all you've done was hang out with Alex."

Cody snickered as he slid into the back seat, shutting the door. "I bet she was making out with him."

I whipped my head around with my face red. "No I wasn't!" I only made out with him once. I turned around and crossed my arms, ignoring the teasing laughter of the couple.


"Ah, wait here Olivia," Bri said as we got off at her house. "I need to get something." Cody followed after her as the sun began to set.

Bri's family was amazingly rich, so their backyard was like a maze. Good thing I was good at mazes, because I didn't intend to stick around. I jumped out of the car and walked over to the gate that leads to her backyard. I hopped over it and into her backyard. The bushes and the gardens were scattered in an ordered pattern. I walked onto the stone path that led to the little lake beyond their backyard, into the woods. It was my favorite place to go to whenever I visited Bri. I walked down the stone steps and breathed in deeply. My hand twitched as my stomach growled.

Is that.. food I smell?

I opened my eyes and looked around. I jumped down the steps and onto the grass, following the scent of my favorite food.. spaghetti. As I got closer, I could also smell something else. Alex's.. cologne? I raised an eyebrow and walked around a huge tree. A picnic was placed in Bri's backyard and I found a note on the blanket. I kneeled down and picked it up.

Dear Olivia,
Since we're done with college and everything, I'd like to say a few words before we come face to face with adulthood. Please, look up.

Look up?

I peered up and squealed when Alex jumped off the tree on top of me. "Surprise!" He exclaimed, laughing. He kissed my cheek lightly, and I blushed red. He's done this a few times, but today it seems different. Alex leaned over and peered at my red cheeks, completely satisfied with my reaction. The corner of his lip curled up into a smirk as he winked at me, "Promising position isn't it?"

This only made my reaction even worse. Alex's hands were beside my head, holding him up so that his weight wouldn't crush me underneath him. After high school, he's turned into an even more pervert. I pushed his face away from mine and looked away, blushing.

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