Chapter Eighteen

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Alex James

Meeting at Meladia's grave seems sketchy..

I sighed and pulled on a black hoodie. Did these people know Meladia before Olivia? Before me? Or were they just random people testing my patience? As I pulled on my shoes, I realized something. If Olivia knew him, she would've told me right? Maybe it was personal though, and I couldn't really expect her to tell me everything. I shrugged to myself and headed downstairs. I'll just have to find out soon. Before I could go, Kevin stood in front of me with his arms crossed.

"You're not going to go fight someone, are you?"

"Visiting Miss Meladia's grave," I muttered in reply.

Kevin raised his eyebrows, but continued anyway. I opened the door with an extra pair of the house keys and walked to the graveyard. So Olivia's going to be buried alive if I don't come.. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, looking into the dark and lifeless night sky. I realized I haven't smiled in a while. Not physically, but with actual happiness. Not a real genuine smile full of happiness. It felt so weird to do it now. The corners of my lips perked up, and I grinned, starting to sprint down the concrete.

They're idiots if they think they can hurt Olivia and stay alive at the same time.

Olivia Hernandez

I kicked the hand away from my leg, glaring at the man with a murderous gaze. We were at Mom's grave, and they had a shovel with them. It was to provoke Alex when he came. They had spies everywhere. As soon as someone spotted Alex, they would call the others here, including Daniel, and start to "bury" me.

To explain Daniel Smith, he was once a close friend of my mom. That is, until he slapped me across the face when I was four. He then said he was going to take my mom's money when his dad replaced my dad. My parents heard the conversation, and they took care of it. He didn't change one bit. He was still the same old disgusting brat he was back then, and that was a little more than ten years ago.

"Don't fucking touch me.." I growled, trying to break my hands out of the rope. I was getting some really bad rope burn already from fidgeting so much.

I might get some stupid red marks soon.

Daniel snickered and leaned down to look at me as if I was a baby. "Oh? Is that the first time you ever cursed verbally?"

"Oh," I snapped with a smirk, "is that the biggest word you can actually say?" My eyes darkened towards him as I spat out, "Such a pitiful shame."

Daniel clicked his tongue, clearly annoyed with my comments, and turned around, storming towards the gate of the graveyard a few meters away. I smirked. Now. I took out the small pocket knife from the back pocket of my jeans, slowly trying to find the blade. My finger pressed against it lightly, and I angled it towards the rope. I began cutting, barely making any movements at all.

Good, I can't look suspicious at all.

I finally cut through the rope and slipped the pocket knife back in my pocket. How much time do I have left? I heard some shuffling and looked up suddenly, seeing two men looking down at me, their expressions blank.

"Stand up," one of them grumbled, "We're inspecting you for any weapons."

I quickly grabbed the loose ends of the rope in my hands, closing them beneath my fingers. Then I stood up, and they searched my pockets. My pocket knife was thrown onto my mom's grave, making me slightly pissed at their actions. How rude of them, just throwing a weapon on a grave. I sat back down and looked at Mom's grave.

"Hey, Mom?" I asked her. "What do Alex and I have? Do you know?" Mom's spirit, a pale ghostly figure, sat on her grave. She sighed and cocked my head to the side, staring at me. "Please tell me!" I whined, making her giggle.

"Well," she began, taking in a breath. "Remember a few days ago when you had visions you don't remember at all? When I had died and such?"

I nodded, eager to learn. "Yeah. Who was that little boy? And how come I don't remember that happening? And how come I saw it in third person?"

Mom chuckled, looking at me with the same green eyes I had always seen in mirrors. "You do have a lot of questions, don't you dear?" I nodded. "Well, that little boy was little Alex."

I paused, blinking furiously. "What?! Alex?! As in, the son of Felicity?"

Mom nodded in confirmation. "Alex has been having the same flashbacks. But I think he doesn't know it, because it's something else in his body that's registering it. They are both parts of you."

"But those aren't physical needs, Mom!" I exclaimed, kneeling as I sat on my feet. My hands were kept behind my back to convince the men I was still tied. "They said they wanted something! As in something physical!"

As if Mom caught on, she halted to a stop. Suddenly, her spirit flew towards me, grabbing my shoulders. I couldn't feel the warmth behind them, but it was better than nothing. Her eyes widened as fear filled her eyes. "Olivia. You must not let them hurt you. They must not touch your head, or injure you anywhere there at all!"


She sat in the same position as me and put her arms down, her hands resting in her lap. Her faint strawberry blonde hair, the same as mine, was in the same frizz-like position. She was clearly nervous to tell me. Tears, or spiritual tears, began streaming down her cheeks.

"M-Mom," I whispered, "Why're you crying..? H-Hey! Don't cry! There's nothing to cry about.."

Mom suddenly wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

I froze in shock.

I-I can feel her warmth.. Behind her hug, I can feel her heartbeat racing as if it were to never stop. Thoughts ran through her head. I can feel her warmth..

I can feel a physical body.

Tears ran down my face as we stayed there for a while, hugging each other with tears. "H-How is it possible..?" I whispered. "Can they see you?" Mom pulled back, her hands resting on my shoulders. She shook her head in reply. Her tears made me cry a little more. "M-Mom! Just tell me.." I whispered. "You're scaring me.."

Mom stayed silent as she roughly wiped her tears with her arm. "You and Alex both have something in your heads. Something that no one knows except me for a reason and your father. You can see unknown flashbacks in third person and so can Alex for a reason. You and Alex can sense my spirit as a physical body. Only for this reason."

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her violently, "Just tell me already, Mom!" I yelled, desperate for an answer. "Just tell me what they want!"

Her shoulders were shaking, trembling under the pressure. Her bangs shadowed her eyes, and she looked up. Her emerald green eyes sparkled as she opened her mouth and answered me. I froze in shock, and so did my tears, halting in their place.

"Both you and Alex have only half of a human brain."

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