Chapter Forty Four

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Third Person POV

In the news the day after Jen, Bri, Cody, and Kevin saved Olivia and Alex from near-death, they unluckily became famous and were mentioned all over the news. Alex's hospital room was filled with gifts and presents as he was placed in a coma from severe blood loss. Olivia was in the same hospital room as him, as she had stretched open many of her wounds, leaving her with the same issue as Alex: blood loss.

Alex's condition was worse than Olivia's, and for the next few days, they were given much attention from the public. Daniel Smith and Jason Walterson (Alex's father) were arrested and sent to a prison far from the two victims and far from each other. They were almost criminal masterminds, and punishing them near the two victims was too much of a risk. The police have also stated that Gregory Hernandez, Olivia's father, was allowed to visit her with her time in the hospital.

He cried for several minutes when he learned that she was in a coma, and he had no shame for it. His deceased wife's best friend Felicity James (Alex's mother) had helped him through it, as her son was in the same condition, and maybe twice as worse. It was finally down to a week before Gregory's release, and Olivia had two surprises coming in to her storm her already weakened heart.

Olivia Hernandez

I can't hear anything..

Where is everyone?

Oh, wait. We're in the hospital.

I forgot..

I was pretty sure it was before visiting hours, and I learned that Alex was still asleep. He couldn't hear anything, I was informed, since his heart monitor still wasn't strong enough. Little by little, his heartbeat was increasing though. I sent him bio-link, which he had been able to respond to. The sleep he had was able to power his tech brain, but not his human brain.

Dammit, this is all my fault for being so fucking weak. If I had more energy, then maybe I would be able to take us back to the van in time... I heard a small creak from the hospital door, and a sniffle came from Felicity.

"I wonder if they're alright," an unfamiliar voice had said with empathy. "Especially her..."

"I still can't believe it," Bri whispered quietly. "You— I.. I just really can't."

The voice replied, "I took the blood test. You saw it, didn't you?"

Footsteps creaked towards me, and someone sat down next to my bed. A hand held mine, and suddenly, my mind began blurring. An image began forming in my head, and I drifted off to sleep once again.

A carnival event in San Diego...

"Let's go!" A light little voice had squealed.

Then, the same unfamiliar voice from before, only seemingly younger, exclaimed, "But we might get in trouble!"

A little boy appeared in my head. He had the same features as me, strawberry blonde hair with green eyes. Instead of emerald, he had forest green eyes, which had no spark in them. A little me appeared next to him, holding his hand while trying to drag him towards the carnival area.

"But Mom said we could go," the little girl said, pouting in disappointment.

The little boy grinned, "Then let's go with Mom and Dad!"


I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes, and for a moment, one of them strayed away. I remember now... Just now, I had to remember... I had a brother. I could feel his stare on me, as if trying to tell me to wake up. I can feel the broken feelings in his heavy gaze. He let out a lifeless laugh, and my heart broke.

"I doubt she even remembers my name though," he said softly, his hand gripping mine a little tighter. "Her memories were erased after that car crash. She won't.. remember who I am."

Samuel Gavin Hernandez. The first in our family to have an official middle name. He's two years older than me. I was sure that Mom had told me about him before, but I didn't ever really remember much until he touched my hand. Mom said he was my only brother, and he had to move away when I was four because of a "problematic situation". But never in my life did I think he would be here with me. Here with me. Once again.

"Oh, don't say that," Felicity murmured, and a sound of someone patting someone else's back echoed in the room. "I'm sure in her brain, she can figure it out."

"Huh. I doubt it."

"I do, actually, know and remember your name." All heads in the room turned to look at me, and I sat up, opening my eyes. All of my friends were there, either sitting or leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry if I took so long to wake up, everyone."


They all began to hug me tightly, embracing my body. Their touches are warm. And.. soft. Like home. I smiled at their hugs as Felicity pressed a button. A nurse came rushing in.


[Sam's Story Is Available!
For the story behind Olivia's mysterious and abrupt older brother, read my story "I Found Home", where a tale of two runaways ensues and takes on a odd twist!]


"Bye!" I exclaimed to the others as they left.

The doors shut, and I sighed. They were getting snacks to eat and to tell my father that I was okay. I haven't seen him in a while, so I wanted to say hello soon. The last time I visited was the day before Alex came back, so about a few weeks ago. I let out another sigh, this time feeling relieved. I've gained back so many memories today that I couldn't handle the energy loss and felt exhausted. I put my head down on the pillow.

So Sam was my brother... huh.

He was gaining back Dad's house, which meant I got to move back into my old house. It was a relief too, since Alex's house was always so busy and stuff. It also meant I got to have a bigger room. I've been living in Alex's guest room for so long that I forgot what my old room looked like. I was surprised our house was still up, but I guess I shouldn't have been.

A few hours flew by, which made me confused since the others should've been back by now. Maybe they got busy in between it. I nodded and smiled, staring up at the ceiling. That's true. Felicity is always looking at coupons in the grocery stores. I turned to look at the curtain between Alex and me. I wanted to see him, but I couldn't since the stupid curtain was in the way.

"I love you!" He yelled across the old hallway.

My cheeks began to redden in embarrassment and shock. My jaw hung open slightly, and my words got caught in my throat. He doesn't mean it. It just slipped out, right? Before I could say a thing, he winked at me, making me blush even more, and he left up the stairs.

I put my red face in my hands and let out a small embarrassed squeal. I did not just think of that again. I let out a calm breath. After a few minutes of calm air, the door swung open, letting light swim into the white, blank room. Jen, Kevin, Bri, Cody and Sam walked in, a slight glimpse of Felicity outside talking to the doctors and nurses with a worried expression. The air became tense.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused.

Sam shook his head and said, "Just get in the wheelchair, Olivia."

He helped me into the wheelchair and pushed me outside, holding the handles in his grasp tightly. Felicity and the doctors looked at me with sorrow, and I was put into a state of confusion. I raised an eyebrow at them, and Felicity shook her head, walking away.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" I questioned. "What's going on?"

The doctor in front of me held the clipboard in his hands and said solemnly, "Ma'am, I don't want to be the one to inform you, but I'm afraid your father is currently dying in another hospital room right now."

My eyes widened, and tears began blurring my sight.


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