Chapter Seven

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Alex's next period was World History AP, and I had mine as a free period because I did PE over the summer. Technically, I could've gone home, but I was one of the few students who got free period as our last period, so I made it last at school (even though most people would find that was weird of me).

Unfortunately, what was stuck in my head was the note in my locker.

Alex's.. dead body?

I shook my head vigorously, getting rid of the horrid thought. Shut up, Livvy. It's probably just some cruel prank pulled by a cheerleader. I walked outside, looking for somewhere to go. Choosing to sit under a cherry blossom tree, I whipped out a pencil and my sketchbook. I peered around in the courtyard and tried to find anything to draw that would come from inspiration. I bared a glance at the tulips that had grown near the school's entrance. I almost skipped over it, but my eyes quickly caught onto a bright red rose that had grown in the middle of them.

"Different..." I mumbled.

I opened my sketchbook and began sketching. I could already see it. A white dress, one that was almost as if it belonged to a bridesmaid at a wedding, strapless. Near the chest and down to the waist, it sparkled like millions of stars in a black night sky. I sketched the skirt, which slightly poofed out a bit. On the waist would be a white belt, with a black rose. One black rose, and a white background. It stood out perfectly. I made the skirt reach the knees and began sketching the stockings, since I was a girl who didn't like showing skin.

By the time I was done designing the dress, half the period was already over. I began adding a few special details to it. Unfortunately, somebody saw me sketching in my book, noticing. It was a new girl to the senior year, and she seemed shy and quiet for her age, instead of girly and rowdy like the other girls in their year. Like a shadow, she walked up to me, holding her books in her hands tightly.

She smiled and said softly, "Hi."

"Hello," I replied, smiling at her. I patted the spot next to me, saying, "Here. You can sit down."

She took a seat beside me, putting her books down beside her. Her eyes glanced at my design. "It's really pretty," she complimented.

"Thanks," I replied with a small smile, "but now I don't have any ideas."

I looked at her, and she seemed to be thinking hard for some inspiration. She then turned to look behind us. With her bright hazel eyes shining behind her glasses, she gestured towards the cherry blossom tree. Then she peered at me and suggested, "What about designing.. some kind of flowery dress that's boy-proof?"

I blinked. For a second, we both remained silent, our eyes staring at each other. I burst out laughing all of a sudden, and she followed after me. After the laughing fit, I peered at her again. I had just noticed her bright ginger hair.

"Wow! You have a really pretty hair color!" I exclaimed. "It's cool!"

She laughed a little and responded, "That's a first, but look at your hair!" Her fingers gestured to my hair with a smooth movement of her wrist. "The perfect blend of ginger and blonde to make a strawberry blonde hair color. Beauty at its finest!"

She sighed dramatically, almost like she was lovestruck, and we both shared laughter with each other at the joke. She took out her own sketchbook, a pencil in hand. She flipped it open, and my eyes widened at the mesmerizing shoes and accessories she had drawn.

"Oh, how cool!"

With a smile, she asked, "Do you mind if I sketch with you?"

I shook my head vigorously, quite happy to meet her. "I'm really fine with you here!" I laughed nervously, feeling giddy. "You're the first, besides this guy I know named Alex, to actually talk to me like a normal human."

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