Author's Note #2: How & Why

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This chapter of the book will explain HOW I wrote the book, and WHY I continued it, ended it, and everything else with the word "why".

I had just finished reading the last update of the book "Falling Too Far", and the way the author described the girl Noelle was interesting. She had pimple scars and "violent red hair". I think she had brown eyes, I don't remember.

That night, when I was dreaming, I somehow reimagined the girl. Instead of starting off the bat as a senior, I changed her into a sophomore at first. But since I didn't want to copy and paste, I chose my own designed for Olivia, to make her "pop out".

I decided that she would have strawberry blonde hair, naturally, and be the only in her town to have it so. It was similar to a bright red, but not so much as well. Her bright green eyes came from Noelle's destined partner Harper, a boy. Her scars came from Noelle's description of herself, which she tended to hate.

Alex came in as a normal guy from my imagination, my dream. I had imagined a scene from one of my favorite shows, but changed it. That dream, was put into this book. (Go ahead and guess which one). Anyways, I wanted him to be like any other "normal" guy, even though he had a tech brain.

I'm not going to say "oh I had this whole plot planned out already HAHAHAHHAHAA" because I didn't. I honestly just continued from the last chapter and onward. I just piled on idea to idea. And no, I didn't have an ideal time period for this either.

Why did I end this book?
Because, as I said, I wanted it to end on a sweet note, shared by love, which had nothing too formal and only personal between Olivia and Alex.

Why did I continue this book?
I once had a thought when I had posted Chapter Five. I thought to myself "Hey, this isn't gonna work out. I only have thirty reads, and most of them are in Chapter One." But then, I just continued typing and said "Shut up me. This story will one day be as popular as the stories I read. If not, as popular as NaLu fan fictions. I WILL get a thousand reads one day."

Why did I change my writing style?
Well, I didn't really change, as opposed to changing while I began writing. Looking back at Chapter One, I realize how much of a cringe it is to read it. It's definitely cliché, but also not at the same time.

If you have any other "how/why" questions, just comment down below and I'll add them in this chapter!

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