Chapter Forty Five [500 Read Mark]

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They had rolled me over beside Dad's hospital bed, who was wearing an oxygen mask over his face. I felt a tear fall onto his hand and held it tightly. Sam sat beside me, looking down at Dad with sorrow and guilt. Dad's eyes were closed, but I wanted to see them again. Open your eyes.. please. I tightened my grip on his hand, and my tears began falling silently, a few sobs escaping my lips. Sam hugged me, his own eyes filled with tears, not giving a shit about society's gender-biased rules.

"D-Dad," I stuttered out quietly, sniffling. I looked down at him with tears in my eyes, my vision blurry. His face is blurry. "I-I'm sorry I never visited you more often."

It was silent as the doctors and nurses left, leaving the door open just the slightest bit.

"Fuck!" Sam cursed out quietly. He choked out a few sobs and whispered, "Man, I didn't even get to see you throughout most of my life, Dad." I hugged Sam back, letting him cry on my shoulder as the others watched behind us at the door, silent. "You can't just leave us! First Mom, but now you..?" He put a hand to his face in frustration at the sudden weight on his shoulders. I can feel it in his chest. The hole in his heart is small but hefty. "I don't even know if I can keep up with Olivia until she goes off to college.." Sam put an arm over his eyes, letting his jacket catch the tears as he leaned back.

"We'll somehow work it out," I told him quietly, looking over at my brother. He turned back towards me with the same tear-filled eyes. I gave him a determined look, tears streaming down my face, though I ignored them. "For Mom and Dad, right?"

He nodded, wiping away his tears furiously, "R-Right."

I leaned over to Dad and put my hand on his face. He opened his eyes slightly, looking up at us. When he saw Sam, he too began to cry, not expecting to see his son again. With tears falling from the corners of his eyes, he looked between us while holding onto our hands tightly. I tried to hold in all my tears, but they continued falling. They wouldn't stop. This isn't fair... Stop it. Stop doing this to me. Sam and I were leaning over Dad as we watched him take his last breaths. Soon, I heard the heart monitor beeping slowly, and Sam's eyes widened. My breath stopped in my throat, which tightened.

"N-No.." I whispered, clutching Dad's hand tightly in line, "D-Dad, please s-stay strong." My eyes burned as tears refused to stop. "Don't leave.."

I peered over at my father with a heavy gaze, and he appeared as if he was just slipping on the edge of a cliff. He gave us one more look, a spark of love in the swirling pretty colors of gold and brown, and his eyes closed painfully slow, tears slipping out from the corners.

The sound of the heart monitor came to a deafening silent, and yet, it was a loud continuous beep.

I heard the small sharp intakes of air from behind us, and immediately as if a switch flipped inside of me, I broke down right then and there, Sam holding me in his arms. I was screaming vigorously into his shoulder, trying to stop myself from crying, but I couldn't. My arms tightened around Sam, and he held me back, trying to not cry at the screams forcing their way out of me. Nothing was going to take back the fact that I saw my father die before my very eyes.

Dad.. I love you.

I miss you so much already.


The next day, when I woke up, I felt the pain already hitting me hard. My night was spent violently crying in my sleep. Dad's gone.. I bit my lip and shook my head. He's most likely looking for Mom's spirit right now. Maybe he's trying to find me to talk with me like Mom can.

Bio-Link From: Alex James
Hey.. you alright?

Bio-Link To: Alex James
You heard..?

Bio-Link From: Alex James
Obviously. I'm just about ready to wake up, so smile for me, okay?

Bio-Link To: Alex James
I'm.. working on it. Your awakening is something to look forward to... Thanks, Alex!

I smiled slightly and sighed. Well, at least Alex is waking up... I felt a warm feeling near my heart and suddenly saw Mom smiling down at me. "Mom!" I exclaimed. Dad appeared from behind her, and I smiled, "Dad!

"Hey there, cupcake!" Mom squealed excitedly.

Dad greeted me with a smile. "Hello, Olivia. Sorry I had to leave the real world earlier than expected."

"Then again," I began, asking curiously, "How did you die?"

Mom put her hands on her hips and looked at Dad with a murderous look. She had her cheeks puffed out slightly, just like I usually did. She looked at me and pointed at Dad. "Well! Your father died from stress and overworking in the prison thinking about you!" Mom crossed her arms and looked at Dad, "Greg, I honestly thought you were stronger."

"Mel, don't do that to me. You know I hate when you insult my strength," Dad protested.

Mom puffed her cheeks out even more, annoyed at Dad's response. I definitely take after her. "Oh! And now you're talking back to me? How inconsiderately rude!"

Dad sighed and looked at me while putting a hand out, gesturing towards Mom. "You see what I have to work with Olivia? Your mother is still trying to show me how cooking is easy as well."

Mom slapped the back of his head. "Greg! It's so easy."

"Ow!" He exclaimed, holding the place she smacked. Mom leaned over and kissed his head lightly, making him blush furiously.

"You guys are so cute together," I commented towards Mom and Dad, smiling brightly.

Mom flipped her hair sassily, and I laughed. "Thank you, honey. We were actually the most popular couple at our high school."

"Damn, those were the good days.." Dad sighed, reminiscing their past.

Mom looked at me, as if remembering something, and said, "Oh! I forgot to tell you! Sam also already has the tech brain, since the problematic situation needed someone to replace his brain."

"His whole brain?" I asked, my eyes widened.

Mom nodded. "You can thank your father for your brother's survival. He paid for all of the costs. But of course, I did too, except for yours and Alex's."

Dad then added, "You also donated to the homeless foundation, dear."

"I did?" Mom questioned, raising an eyebrow. Dad nodded in response. She put a hand to her mouth, as if thinking hard. "I don't seem to remember that."

"Mel, you did it right before your death," Dad said bluntly, looking at her with a blank stare. This time, his eyes had a little bit of light, as if Mom's presence made him feel better. He added in sarcastically, "Oh, how I wonder how you forgot."

I giggled and looked up at my parents, comparing myself to them. "You two are a rather interesting pair."

"Dear, this is just the beginning," Mom replied. She smirked and glanced at Dad with her arms crossed, "Remember when you ate Olivia's baby food, thinking it was apple sauce?"

"Meladia!" Dad exclaimed, obviously embarrassed, flustered.

Mom continued, "AND you took Sam's toy, thinking it was a pen." Dad groaned in embarrassment. Mom giggled and looked at me, "This is why you don't drink and have a hangover the next day, Olivia. Take notes."

I laughed again. Damn, I have the funniest family.

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