Chapter Eleven

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Olivia Hernandez

"I hate you guys," Alex's voice said with a thick layer of sarcasm.

Jen laughed, "We know."

I let out a groan and shivered as the wind brushed passed me, sending chills down my spine. What? What's going on? I just trying to sleep. Someone pulled their jacket over my shoulders, and I smiled contently, nuzzling against the warmth.

"She's awake," Alex's voice complained anxiously. "Now what?"

"Leave her be," Jen said, as if shrugging to his question. "A girl needs her beauty sleep."

"Well, this girl can't get any if you keep talking!" I exclaimed suddenly.

I opened my eyes, sitting up straight. They seemed surprised by my outburst, flinching visibly. Finding myself on Alex's lap, my eyes widened. WHAT THE— I let out a loud snd shrill scream. Clumsily, my knee tripped against his when I attempted to get off him, making me fall onto the floor of the car. Kevin cursed under his breath at the ruckus I was causing and swerved the car to the side of the highway.

"What the fuck just happened?!" I yelled, demanding an answer. "Why the hell was I not in my seat?!" Speaking of my seat, I glanced at it and saw that the bags had replaced me.

Jen smiled innocently, "Oh, the bags were falling from the front seat, so we needed to move them." Her hand waved dismissively. "The trunk is filled with junk that Kevin can't afford to clean up cause he's a lazy ass, so we decided to put them in your seat. And besides, you and Alex are best friends, so I thought you wouldn't mind."

Kevin muttered something under his breath, "Bullshit..."

Jen slapped his shoulder. "Hush, you!"

"So.. where am I gonna sit?" I asked, looking at them. I kneeled on the floor of the car, facing Jen so I wouldn't awkwardly be staring at Alex's knees.

"Sit on Alex! Just about ten more minutes, Livvy!" Jen exclaimed, a sparkle in her eyes. "You won't die or anything."

Why, that cheeky little—

I grumbled and pulled on Alex's jacket, which was surprisingly still on my shoulders even after falling. Pulling my arms through the sleeves, I crawled onto Alex's lap, my eyes falling away from his face so that he didn't know I spotted his erupting blush. I faced the window with my legs against the door. My phone was pulled out of my pocket, and I plugged the cord of my earbuds into the device as Kevin hit the road. I swiped to a random song and put in a earphone. I glanced at Alex, who was awkwardly looking away from me. Geez, as if we aren't intimate enough. Nudging him, he turned to look down.

I gave him the other earbud, which he put on without any hesitation.

Those five minutes were of silence, and the only thing audible was the music that only Alex and I could hear.


Soon, Jen and I were taking control over the basement's table as the brothers continued with their video game. How childish. Don't they have anything to benefit their lives? The likelihood of a zombie apocalypse is close to impossible. Jen and I were busy with the designs, and Felicity brought in some food for us as snacks. She was worried about us staying up so late but let it slide, assuming Kevin knew what he was doing with three stupid and immature minors.

"Jen," I called. "Gemstone."

"Got it," was her reply.

She threw me a packet of the three diamond shaped beads in my direction, and I quickly attached them to the shirt. Then, I began the working on the jeans. My strawberry blonde hair was up in a high ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way of the sewing machine, and Jen was on the floor with her ginger hair in a braid, putting the shoes and beads together.

Jen sighed anxiously. "Crap. I measured it wrong. Can you—"

"Here," I answered and threw a ruler at her. She caught it, and there was a moment of silence before interruption.

"You guys work too hard," Alex complained, munching on chips.

I snorted and rolled my eyes, looking back at him with a sarcastic glare, "And you barely work! What does it matter?"

"I don't work?" Alex repeated in fake shock, concentrated on the TV. "I'd like to oblige. I work every single second of my life."

"On your goddamn high score!"

Jen laughed a little and added in, "You work just as much as Kevin does, which is almost compared to nothing."

"I am offended," Kevin stated, blinking at her statement before nodding, "but you aren't wrong." He almost snapped the controller with his hands when Alex got a 100-point bonus for kicking two zombies in the head.

"Exactly," I finished.

I slowly pulled the fabric down, letting the machine sow the fabric together. Alex let out an annoyed grumble, and I smirked a little, clearly noticing his rash action. Dumbass.

Alex then said, "Well, maybe if you admit you work less than me, I could conclude this argument."

"You were the one who started this argument," I fired back.

"And you're the one who fell for the childish antic."

"Using such academic language now all of sudden. Wow."

"You guys fight like an old married couple," Jen whined, pulling on the wrapper of a lollipop.

"We are not a couple!" Alex and I yelled in unison.

Kevin rolled his eyes, bumping into the conversation once again. "Sure, sure."

I ignored them as Kevin and Alex began arguing with each other. It was something about someone cheating, but it didn't matter to me too much. Jen and I continued working until we were almost done. It was practically 1:00 in the morning, and it was a good thing the weekend was ahead.

"Oh my god Livvy, I finished the shoes!!"

I perked up from my seat and immediately splat down to the floor like a pancake. My eyes sparkled, looking in awe at the shoes. I scoured the details. "Yes..." I whispered, smiling gently at the beautiful shoes.

"We're bored!" Alex and Kevin complained.

I rolled my eyes and sat up, saying, "Then do something!"

"But we're too tired to do anything!" Alex whined.

"Well, that's your problem!" I bit back. "So solve it!"

Jen grabbed my hand, suddenly pulling me upstairs. I gave her questionable look, and she whispered, "Let's play Truth Or Dare with them."

I smiled. After working so much, it was a good suggestion. "Great idea."

We headed back downstairs with an empty vinegar bottle that Felicity had, and the boys looked at the bottle curiously. They were confused as to why we had it in our possession.

"What's that for?" Kevin asked.

"The game Truth Or Dare," I replied.

Alex grinned, rolling up the sleeves of his jacket. "Let's do this."

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