Chapter Fifteen

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Alex James

I nervously sat down on the fancy seat, my knee bouncing. It was a habit of mine— as it was to others—, but I couldn't help myself. Olivia was in the changing room, and we were outside her stall. Jen was hopping around happily, waiting for her to exit while Kevin apologized for her actions to the staff around us as they watched nearby. Sat down beside my brother, I was nervously sweating because I didn't know if she would like the dress.

I just thought.. it looked like something she would wear.


"U-Uhm," Olivia's voice stuttered quietly. We all looked in the direction of her stall. "I-I need help zipping it up, Jen."

"Okie dokie!" Jen said happily, practically sparkling.

Olivia opened the door a slight bit, only letting me see a mere glance of the dress as Jen skipped inside. Kevin smirked at me as the two girls chatted in the stall. He leaned on the wall next to the chair, making me turn to him, and smiled.


Kevin's smirk widened, "Did you try to peek at her?"

"No," I replied bluntly, giving him a deadpan expression.

He rolled his eyes and smiled, replying with, "Sure, sure."

How annoying. I grumbled under my breath, annoyed but also very embarrassed by his dumb question. Geez, why couldn't I have had a sister? Jen soon walked out, smiling happily with stars practically glowing in her eyes.

"She looks so pretty!!" She squealed.

The door creaked open a little once again, and Olivia's head popped out, blushing. "J-Jen?"

Jen turned around. "Yes?"

"Do you have my phone?"

"I put it in my bag," Jen replied.

Olivia paused for a moment before giggling to herself. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I forgot." Her giggle made my heart flutter. And now I sound like a some "struck in love" teenager. She checked the mirror one last time and poked her head out, asking us, "Should I come out?"

"YES," was Jen's immediate reply.

"I kinda regret asking now," she joked. Taking small steps, she stepped out of the stall, and my eyes felt as if they were deceiving me. She was.. quite stunning. No. Scratch that. That's not right. She was absolutely stunning. The red lace at the bottom didn't look too bad, and her hair seemed softer next to the dress's fabric. For some reason, she appeared... brighter in it. Happier.

"Wow..." I murmured to myself.

Olivia Hernandez

"H-How do I look?" I asked timidly, a small smile on my face.

Jen couldn't contain her squeals, bouncing around me while examining my figure. I giggled at her childish behavior. Her eyes are literally sparkling! I tried to keep in my laughter as she kept squealing out of nowhere and bouncing around, placing my hands over my mouth.

"I like this dress!" Jen exclaimed, content. "Let's buy it!"

I looked towards Alex, wanting to see what his reaction was. He was staring at me. My cheeks flared immediately, and I asked him, "Do you think I look okay?"

His eyes widened, and he immediately straightened his posture, giving no attempt to hide the blush dusted on his cheeks. "'Okay'? Give yourself some credit here! You look totally awesome."

I beamed, feeling that, for once in my life, people saw me beautifully.


Soon, we were headed back home. Home. The word felt so foul, but it would have to do. I was looking out the window. My eyes were caught on the sunset that was smeared in the sky. The orange and pink colors wrapped around the purple as the sun held the center of attention.

Jen smiled, leaning towards the window. "It's beautiful out there..."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kevin peer at her with a fragile smile on his face. He's sick in love.

"Yeah..." I whispered, staring in awe at the view. "It's amazing..."

"Reminds me of something," Alex mumbled.

He smacked his hand over his mouth, as if he didn't mean to say that. I turned around to glance at him curiously. I cocked my head to the side and gave him a questioning look, asking, "What does it remind you of?"

Alex's cheeks dusted with pink. "N-No one.."

"Ah... So you were thinking of someone?" I concluded with a pushed-on smile.

My heart tugged little by little, slowly cracking like shattered glass. What if it was a girl? What if he was thinking of a girl? Was he thinking of a girl? I noticed Alex being winked at by Jen and Kevin, as if they were teasing him.

"Y-Yeah, a girl.." He replied timidly.

Did you hear that?

A shattered glass heart.

I sufficed a small "oh" and turned back to look back at the sunset. Suddenly, I regretted ever looking at it. It was beautiful, but even beautiful things caused so much pain. It hurts. My arms folded themselves against the window, and I sunk my head in them. Maybe Alex has a girlfriend now. When I was in the coma. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest. Then, I mentally slapped myself. I should be happy for him! What am I doing?! Pick yourself up, stupid! I turned to face Alex, who noticed and glanced at me.

"She's lucky then, isn't she?" I replied, smiling genuinely.

Alex James

I was surprised by her response, accompanied by lit green eyes. Does she know... that I was referring to her as the amazing girl? I looked at her with a small smile, whispering, "Yeah, she is."

She's really lucky.


I found myself scrolling through my phone, reading all of my previous texts with Olivia. We were talking about random things, and soon, I scrolled upon one of my most favorite chats. We're so stupid and weird. But I kinda love it. I grinned slightly and turned off my phone, charging it and setting it onto the table.

I should sleep.

Before I did anything, something caught my ear. A beautiful sound. A song. A voice. From our roof. I crawled out of bed and looked down the hallway, suddenly wary. It's a sweet voice. Humming. My blue eyes caught the ladder leading towards the roof out in the open. As I walked towards it, the song ended, and I heard Olivia's voice as she talked to the stars.

"Hey Mom?" She said to no one in particular.

My eyes widened. She's talking to her mother, away from the graveyard.

"Do you know Alex?" Olivia whispered as I climbed up the ladder slowly.

My head peeked through the opening, and I saw Olivia in her pajamas, lying on the roof while facing the stars. Her strawberry blonde hair had been wildly tangled, as if she came up here from lack of sleep.

"Me..?" I repeated in a small voice.

Olivia smiled up at the sky tiredly, her fingers pulling on each other, "He told me you used to teach him piano lessons. Why didn't we ever meet?" She paused, and then said, "I guess that makes sense."

She's imagining... her mother talking back to her.

Olivia's green eyes sparkled at the light of the moon and stars. "I really like him, Mom.. but I think he has a girlfriend. Did that ever happen to you and Dad? Did he ever date someone before he knew you liked him?"



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