Chapter Forty

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Olivia Hernandez

Both Bri and I were thrown harshly into the back of a van, and the men who captured us slammed the doors shut. A light was switched on, and I immediately grabbed onto Bri's hand, who was crying, terrified for her life. We were both breathing heavily, trying to catch a moment of silence and calm tension, but it seemed impossible. What the fuck is happening? I let out a shaky breath and inhaled sharply, trying to calm down my accelerating heartbeat.

We were most likely going to be questioned, or at least forced to answer unwanted questions. Alex, please be careful. I really need you to stay alive. I hugged Bri tightly in my arms, and she took it gratefully, crying desperately.

"It's okay," I whispered to her quietly, "We'll get out of here somehow. Just trust Alex and Cody." I sighed and added, "We just gotta believe and fend off the men for now until they come."

"I'm so scared, Olivia.." she murmured, her tears caught onto my flannel. "I don't want to die..."

I smiled sadly, "No one is dying." I held in the anxiety crawling up my spine like a spider. "It's alright. We'll be fine..."

I've never told a bigger lie.


When I opened my eyes, I felt something hanging me onto a wall. My wrists were tingling from pain, and I looked around to see Bri hanging on the wall next to me. We had our wrists chained towards the wall, with a small platform at our heels. The room was dark but light enough to see daylight sneaking into the room. Alex's father was smiling in front of us, standing on the concrete ground.

"Ah, I see Alex's girlfriend has woken up," he said, walking around slowly in circles while inspecting me. He seemed to be dissecting me. My eyes stayed on him, and I remained quiet. Did he hurt Alex? "What? Are you afraid to speak?"

I snorted and glared at him. I retorted harshly, "I'd rather not waste my words on an imbecile like you." I looked at him with a disgusted expression. "You may have the same eyes as Alex, but he's much more of man than you yourself."

Alex's father looked amused by my harsh response. "Oh, what's this? Are you trying to give me some kind of lecture about my son and me? I'd like to say that I would much oblige to your statement. I'm much more smarter and stronger than my worthless child."

"In a parallel world is the only place you'll be any of that. And the term worthless? It fits your description perfectly."

Alex's father smirked at my headstrong replies. "I wouldn't say that if I were you." He walked up to Bri's unconscious body, and my eyes widened when he pulled out a sharp blade. "Wouldn't want your friend to cut her cord short at such a young and healthy age, would you?"

Suddenly, a notification popped up in my head.

Bri Owen: Conscious

I glared at the man. "Don't you dare!"

He put the edge of the knife against Bri's leg and began to push lightly into her flesh. Her heartbeat was heard from here, which was weird since I wasn't supposed to be able to hear it unless I enhanced my senses. (A/N Olivia's instinct/advanced human ability is enhancement). Abruptly, Bri's eyes flashed open, and she kicked Alex's father away, making him throw the knife up in the air.

The sharp blade landed on the floor with a clang, and he fell over. Bri huffed out, as if she was holding her breath in for a long time. Alex's father slowly sat up, wiping away the blood from his cheek. The blood was coming out because a cut was scratched onto him by Bri's shoes.

"Don't touch me," she seethed with sharp eyes.

Alex's father chuckled and looked between us. "You're both very advanced in fighting," he commented. He seemed almost amused. "We should add more locks to the doors, I see. We'll release you later, and this space is yours to roam around in until Daniel comes back."

He walked out of the room. Then, there was a blinding light, flashing in front of us. The speakers shook as I muttered to myself, "What the fuck is this— a sci-fi movie?"

"Release, now."

A beeping noise was heard, and the chains around our wrists rattled, pulling us down to the ground. They unclipped from our arms, and Bri and I embraced each other.

I looked at her while brushing her hair with my hands and asked, "Are you okay?"

She nodded, smiling slightly. "I'm fine."

"Thank goodness," I breathed, hugging her. She was shorter and younger than me, so I brought it upon myself to treat her like a little sister. She's so much like me and yet not that I want to protect her with my life. "We'll get out of here somehow."

I wonder if I'm able to send bio-links..

Alex James

"WE HAVE TO GO SAVE THEM!" I exclaimed in a shout.

Kevin put his hands in front of me, gesturing for me to sit down. I ignored his gesture, clenching my jaw. "Alex, I know you're worried that Olivia and Bri might be hurt, but I can assure you that they're fine."

"Oh, and how do you know?!" I asked spitefully, "What? Did she send you a bio-link? OUR FUCKING FATHER TOOK THEM, AND WE HAVE TO GET THEM BACK BEFORE THEY ARE HURT."

Jen walked into the living room with her eyes wide and said, "I got a text from Olivia."

Swiftly, I grabbed her phone from her hand and looked through it.

Olivia 🐻
Olivia: where are you Jen?

Jen: it's Alex, send me a bio-link so that I can save it from this distance.

Olivia: Kay

A few seconds later, she sent me a picture of the dark cell she was in. I saw the top of Bri's head looking out of a makeshift window, which had bars on it. I sighed in relief, a pressure lifting off of me. She's alright. They're both alright. I sat down, calmly letting my nerves chill.

Bio-Link To: Olivia Hernandez
Are you alright?

Bio-Link From: Olivia Hernandez
Yeah.. Bri's taking it hard though. She won't stop looking out the window while murmuring things about Cody saving her.

Bio-Link To: Olivia Hernandez
Speaking of which...

Bio-Link From: Olivia Hernandez

Bio-Link To: Olivia Hernandez
I miss you.. •///•

Bio-Link From: Olivia Hernandez
>~< Alex, I was kidnapped. I don't think it's the right time for you to proclaim that you miss me. But other than that, yeah, I miss you too, you weird pizza thief =///=

I smiled and sighed, lying down on the couch. She's okay. They're okay. I can't get over that. Cody looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "Well?"

I grinned, "They're alright."

"You just flirted with Olivia, didn't you?" He asked with a blank look. He still had his eyebrow raised, and I could tell he was holding in a smirk.


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