Chapter Nine

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A week had gone by now, and everything was rolling smoothly. Kevin and Jen worked out their differences and decided to become friends once again. The love is still in their eyes. Alex and I thankfully received less attention from our classmates, which was a huge relief on my part. Speaking of which, life at my new home was going well too. I felt a bit guilty that Alex was unaware of my mini music studio, up until he caught me one day.

"What's all this?" Alex asked as he strolled into my room. His eyes danced around the room until they landed on my figure, watching me set up my mother's guitar, the speakers, and the microphone.

"Some stuff my dad sent me before he turned himself in," I replied under my breath, gesturing for him to make himself comfy.

Alex sat down on my bed with his eyes wide. "Your father turned himself in?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled quietly. I stood up and held the microphone tightly in my hand, clenching my jaw. "The stupid bastard didn't even let me say goodbye to him." I put the microphone on the stand after attaching it to the wire. "Anyways, what're your opinions on me living here?" My green eyes flashed to him. "I'm genuinely curious."

"It's going to be weird," Alex replied, laying his back on the bed. "You know?" I nodded, though I didn't know. "Just that there's a girl in your grade sleeping in the room next to you, eating at the same table as you, living in the same house as you with literally no blood relations at all— real whack."

"Yeah, you're telling me," I snorted.

I strummed the guitar and winced at the notes coming out of it. I began to tune it as Alex and I continued dragging out our discussion. Our presences warmed up to each other in my room.

After an hour of tuning and talking to Alex, he said he would ask Kevin to drive us to the prison in our town so that I could talk to my father. I agreed. You couldn't blame me for thinking my father was selfish to not let me see him one last time— even if he did hurt me. He was only bad for the past few years; I remember his sober days. Soon, we were at the prison, and Kevin was talking to two police officers, somehow knowing them. What did he do to know them so well? It was 5:00 pm, and we told Felicity, who reluctantly agreed. She was clearly worried, and I was worried myself.

What if he doesn't want to see me?

What if he just doesn't want me to be here?

Is this a sign? Wait!

Is the Lord talking to me?!

No! No! Nope nope nope!

I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry, God!

"Olivia? Are you coming?" Alex's voice called out.

My head snapped towards the hallway of cells. Alex was standing at the entrance, waiting for me with a questioning glance on his face. "C-Coming!" I stuttered out. I ran towards him, almost tripping in the process, and he grabbed my hand in his.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded, trembling, "Y-Yeah, yeah, sure. Definitely."

We headed in together. When we walked in, the people in the jail cells kept staring at me, which made me uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable... I shivered at the stare of an old man who was staring at me with a creepy smile. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.


I snapped my head forward, my eyes finding my father's jail cell in front of me. The smallest smile was on my face, and I rushed to the cell, sitting down right in front of him.

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