Chapter Six

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After we cleaned ourselves up, Alex and I went to our next class, which was ironically the same class. It was a science period, and we thankfully received an excuse note from Felicity, who winked at me before we left. I questioned it but let it slide. I've never noticed him in class before. I wonder if he knew me before we met at the graveyard. Alex opened the door for me, and the teacher turned towards us, whereas the students who heard the door open snickered quietly. Alex gave them a short glare. We handed the teacher our note and went to work at one of the open desks. We were the last pair to arrive, which meant we had to work on the science experiment together. I sat down on the high chair, and Alex sat beside me. We set down our backpacks.

"Hold on a minute," I said, making Alex turn to look at me. Digging through my backpack, I mumbled, "I need to tie my hair up."

Alex grinned. "Of course."

He began preparing the experiment as I grabbed a black hairband, tying my very messy strawberry blonde hair into a very messy bun, leaving some strands down. Can't blame a girl for being too lazy, can you? I'm glad Felicity was able to wash out all the food though. It would be a nightmare if I did it myself. I pulled out my science notebook and a cute yellow pencil with white daisies on it. Writing down the date and title of the experiment, I glanced up at Alex, who was reading the instructions.

"So, this is what we gotta do."

We began working together on the project. Turns out, we had to make a rock explode. A damn rock. You could say that our school was on the wealthy side, and that they were also fucking insane. The whole class was struggling to find a way when the teacher said we weren't allowed to attach the small dynamite to the side, because then it would be too easy. I continued staring at the rock, writing down details and random shit so I could earn points. Oops. I mean, so that Alex and I could earn points. Yeah. That's what I meant. Hah.

"This is impossible!" Alex whined childishly. I tried not to giggle at his child-like persona. "How can we make a rock explode if it doesn't have dynamite inside of it all ready for us to light?!"

Even from his dumb complaint, an idea struck me like lightning. This is a sedimentary rock. Pit. I shot up from my leaning figure, and Alex stared back, confused and stunned. "OHHHH!!! You're a freaking oblivious, jerky, genius, yet really dumb idiot!"

"What?" He asked curiously as I furiously annihilated my notebook with my pencil.

I started putting things in places, and continued writing notes while explaining the process to Alex, who had been acting like a clueless shit. It's a little funny how he's so unaware. My hand began to hurt but I continued writing anyways. A strand of my hair fell in front of my face, and my green eyes stared at it intensely. Why the fuck are you interrupting my nerd session? I blew at it, but it only came swinging back. I ignored its presence and continued writing.

Someone's hand picked it up and put it behind my ear. WHO THE FUCK— I peered up and saw Alex, who was already staring at me. I felt a blush crawl up my neck and stuttered out quietly, "Um, thanks."

"Y-Yeah," he replied, sheepishly smiling at me.

I continued writing down my notes, and soon, the teacher came by with his clipboard. He had a box of matches in case anybody needed them, yet he complained we weren't adult enough to use them.

"Are you two ready?" The teacher asked, his glasses falling down his nose.

Alex turned to look at me, and I nodded. The teacher took out a match, lighting the string on fire. Alex and I stepped back, his frame inching in front of me in case I got hit. The classmates watched over our shoulders, as if trying to copy our work. The rock exploded to pieces with a loud boom, and I stood on my toes, peeking over Alex's shoulders. The only thing left was the rock's remaining pieces.

"A+ for the pair. They actually completed the experiment! How could you forget about last week's lecture?!" The teacher announced. The students groaned, some pouting furiously. The hell? Don't go acting like a child. The teacher looked at us and said, "You two can work on something else until the class is over. Notes?"

I quickly ripped out the page from my notebook and handed it to the teacher, climbing back up the high chair. I searched through my backpack and took out my sketchbook. Alex curiously watched me as I opened it, revealing designs of dresses and other clothes. When I was younger, about seven years old, I used to make small clothes for my dolls. This was before my mother died, and she supported my love of designing. I then decided to make real measurements for clothes that would fit me.

Flipping through my designs while reminiscing, I turned to the page of a dress. It was a prom dress that I designed. I estimated how I would look in senior year and started making my dress early, deciding on fabrics and lengths and texture. It's pretty, to me at least. Everything was given some kind of sentimental meaning.

"Wow..." Alex mumbled, scanning the dress from over my shoulder.

Oh I forgot about him.

"Yeah..." I murmured, smiling.

It was a real smile, and I couldn't help but smile wider. Things have gotten better since Alex came falling into my life. Falling? More like crashing down the door and barging in. But that sounded super stupid and cliché. Too cliché to be real. I turned the page back and examined the other dress. It wasn't as formal as the prom dress but more of a party-type of dress. It wasn't too short, but it wasn't too long. If it existed, it would've reached the bottom of my knees. I smiled a little when I saw it. This was inspired by my mother's taste in clothing.

"You should smile more," Alex suddenly suggested.

I flinched at his sudden suggestion. Ignoring the red spreading on my face, I laughed a plastic laugh. "Well, there's nothing to really smile about, is there?"

"Hey," Alex began, turning my chair with force so that I was facing him. How damn strong is this guy? He shifted in his chair, then asked, "Do you want to, I don't know, go to the beach for a while after school or something? Like, hang out?"

Is he asking me out on a date?!

No! It's not!

What do I say?!

Oh my gosh, this is so awkward!

My blush thickened suddenly, exploding on my face. "I-I don't know," I stuttered awkwardly, "What're we gonna do? What'll it be like?"

"Anything you want," he replied simply.

But what if I think it's a date?

I think I'm being too dramatic. We're just two friends (friends?— pfft since when?) going to hang out.

"O-Okay. Sure. Yeah. We can hang out," I replied, smiling slightly.

The bell rang suddenly, and students began packing their bags, not wanting to stay in the classroom any longer. Alex sent me a spunky grin, content with my answer. "I'll see you later then! Bye!"

He left through the door, leaving me speechless. I put my notebook away, shoving it into my backpack harshly as my thoughts distracted me. Oh my god oh my god oh mY GOD OH MY GOD. Dashing through the door, I walked through the halls and opened my locker, putting my books away since I didn't have homework. I can't believe that just happened! I held in a blush. STOP IT. A note fell out of my locker, and I peered down at it. Picking it up, I looked around for anyone suspicious who might've placed it, confused. What? I began reading the words.

I know your stupid secret, Olivia Hernandez. You killed your mother, and if you don't stay away from Alex James, I will tell everyone that you murdered her. But guess what? I know something up ahead in your path. Alex will drift apart from you slowly. And soon, you'll see his dead body before your very own eyes.

My eyes widened suddenly at the blunt note as my heartbeat began accelerating at its threatening tone. What the fuck is this? I ripped the note to bits and pieces, my heart pounding against my rib cage, and walked to the nearest trash can, letting the pieces sprinkle in.

Who is this person?

And how does he know me..?

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