Chapter Thirty Six

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After the raven and blonde promised to walk away without any more flirting (though I doubt that would happen), Alex walked back to the group and looked down at me. My eyes widened, and I could feel my mind just telling me, he's going to get you and rip your limbs off. He still had that spark of murder in his eyes as he stared down at me. My eyes widened when he sighed and wrapped his arms around me. His cheek was against the top of my head.

"You're so fucking stupid sometimes," he mumbled, closing his eyes.

I let out a relieved breath and giggled with a small smile. Hugging him back, I commented, "I'll take that as a compliment."

"I'm serious," Alex replied, pulling away from me. His eyes met mine, and from the look he gave me, he was serious. "What were you thinking?"

"I'm fine," I said, "It's okay."

"No it's not."

"Why not?"

He shook his head and hugged me again, "I.. can't say right now. I'll tell you later."

I wrapped my arms around him and nodded. "Okay."


Soon, the weekend rolled by, and Alex still hadn't said anything. Kevin had gone back to the college dorm with Jen, so it was just Felicity, Alex, and me. But, Felicity, who also worked as a personal assistant of one of the CEOs around here, had gotten a job over the seas, which was the first one she was going to. She hesitated to go, like the last time when I was junior in high school.

This time, with Alex, she was able to think Alex and I were mature enough to handle the house. So far, we were actually doing pretty good. I had bought some food from the grocery store that would last us until Felicity came back. I was on the couch, hanging upside down. My hair was on the floor, and my legs were crossed against the wall next to the couch. I was flipping through channels while looking at the TV.

Alex walked in with a bowl chips and sat down next to my head on the floor. I understood that he could sit on the couch, but we'd been doing this ever since Felicity had left. He put the bowl between us, and I snatched a chip, putting it in my mouth while eating. I munched on the chip, searching for an interesting channel before giving up completely. I handed Alex the remote, and he started searching for a channel himself.

I usually didn't like a lot of the channels on the TV, but Alex was usually the one to choose the channels anyways. He stopped on a TV show I didn't recognize, but I didn't care. We watched the show for a few hours until the night rolled by, and the bowl of chips was refilled almost thrice. Before Alex could go refill it for the fourth time, I grabbed his hand. He stopped and gave me a questionable look.

"We need to talk."

After hearing those words, he understood, and I was glad he did. He sat back down and put the bowl on the coffee table. He looked down at his lap, seeming reluctant to talk.

"Well.?" I asked. "Why isn't it okay?"

"You don't understand," he mumbled. He clenched his hands into fists and let out a sigh, trying to relieve himself from the stress. "That creep was about to kiss you." He turned to look at me, searching for my reaction.

I nodded, "I'm aware. But he didn't."

"But he almost kissed you," Alex repeated.

I was confused as to why he kept on repeating the kiss thing. It was not a big deal, but he was making it seem like I almost died. I gave him a look, but his face remained the same. He looked almost.. mad? Upset? But then again, he also looked like he was beating himself up inside.

"I don't get it, Alex," I said quietly, a small but happy-less laugh coming out of my mouth.

"That's why you wouldn't understand, Olivia!" Alex exclaimed suddenly. I jumped a little. He looked at me with his blue eyes full of frustration. "You're oblivious to all the eyes of boys you've attracted since two years ago, you're gullible to anyone's tricks, and you're still juvenile about everything the public hands you! You don't understand why I'm scared to see you fall right into someone and leave me behind."

His words made my heart feel... almost warm. I stopped and stared, getting up to sit straight. He sat down next to me on the couch and sighed. "I-I don't.." I trailed off before saying 'understand', because that was the whole point of why we were talking.

Alex glanced at me and mumbled, "I'm scared for you, Olivia. I'm not scared of you, but scared for you."


"Because all you ask is why. Why is this that? Why is she or he like what she or he is? Why?" Alex explained. His voice seemed like he was trying to hold back all his emotions in a cage, scratchy and torn. "You want to know why I'm making a big deal? Right?" I nodded, slightly startled. "Because I like you! I really fucking like you Olivia, and how have you not noticed yet? Because you're oblivious to all my intentions to show you."

My cheeks reddened, and I secretly pinched myself. Is this for real? My breath got caught in my throat, and I felt myself suffocating slightly in my own little world.

"So, now you know," Alex replied. He leaned over suddenly and stared right at me, making me back away further to avoid his heavy stare. "What a surprise right? I'm an asshole for not telling you earlier, right? Am I dumb? Maybe. But guess what? I don't care if you think I'm a fucking piece of shit, an asshole, a bastard, or if you don't like me, because I know you still do. As you always are, your feelings are hard to change towards people you know."

How did he even get this information?!

"And now you're wondering if I'm psychic, right?" He asked. He grabbed my shoulders, as if trying to get my attention. My cheeks began burning like fire when his eyes softened. He let go of my shoulders and grabbed my hand, staring down at it. He began rubbing circles into my palm, and with a smile on his face, he said quietly, "You don't know how much I had wanted to say that for a long time."

I still couldn't talk. My mouth was open, but no words were able to form. I closed my mouth and stared down at the hand Alex was playing with a flustered face.

"I-I really d-don't know how to say anything without making it awkward," I murmured, trying to hide my red cheeks.

"Can I do something?" Alex asked abruptly.

I nodded, giving consent. His other hand grabbed my cheek and squeezed it lightly. He moved his hand and held my face gently, staring. I felt his thumb rub against my cheek, smoothing over the feathered red. Looking up shyly, I blushed even more when I realized his face was close to mine. His eyes flickered down at my lips, making me even more embarrassed and puzzled.

"Wh-What're you doing?" I stuttered out quietly, flustered.

Alex didn't reply, and instead, leaned in closer, placing his lips on mine.

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