Chapter Forty Six

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When I opened my eyes, awake, I heard the doctors on the other side of the curtain, screaming and yelling orders at each other. There were a bunch of words I didn't understand, since the curtain made their words muffled.

My eyes widened as heard, "Get him to the ER!"

My mind began to blur out, and I saw Alex's hospital bed being moved out of the room. The door slammed open, and Sam came in with Bri and Cody following close behind him. I was sure that Jen and Kevin were at their college and Felicity was at work. I looked at them with wide eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Sam then broke the silence and rushed, saying, "No time to cry right now, Olivia! Let's go!"

I nodded slowly, and he helped me into a wheelchair. Everyone began heading towards the emergency room, and from the windows, we saw the surgeons looking at Alex, inspecting to see if he was alright. I began praying to Mom and Dad and the freaking Holy Lord that Alex would be alright. First Mom, then Dad, but NOT Alex. Don't take Alex away from me too. I wiped away the tears in my eyes and let out a shaky, harsh breath. I needed to calm down, but everything was happening too fast to consume.

First Bri and I got kidnapped, then Alex and Cody came to save us. We went back to save them when we got back to the van, and Alex ran off to defeat his father and Daniel. Before he ran off, he told me that he loved me, but I didn't know if it was just a spur of a moment thing. Then, Cody and Bri found me, and we killed about half the people attacking us, the others severely injured. When we heard a gunshot, I went to find him. And he was half-dead when I saw him. Then we both went into comas, and Dad died when I woke up. I also found out I had a brother, and now, he was standing beside me, looking over at the boy I loved in the emergency room.

I lowered my head and whispered quietly, "Take me back to my room.."

"What, why?" Bri asked, looking at me with worry, "Is everything alright?"

"Please just listen to me," I muttered, my hair shadowing my eyes. I peered at them, but they didn't see me look at them. I shifted my gaze onto my lap. "I don't want to see Alex in this state right now."

Cody was about to say something, but Sam looked at him with this kind of look that said not to do anything against me. Then, he had nodded in understanding and said, "Let's go then." He grabbed the handles of my wheelchair and began rolling me out of the room.

As we walked out of the spectating room, I peered at the window and saw Alex just laying on the bed with no emotion, his eyes closed. I felt myself silently crying to no one, letting out all the pain I held. Sam heard me sniffle, but he knew to ignore it. The grip he had on the handles of my wheelchair tightened, as if he hurt for me. I let out a deep breath and wiped away my tears. I noticed Bri looking at me worriedly, Cody doing the same.

I was worrying them too much..


Sam and I were waiting for Mom and Dad in my hospital room to talk to. They were coming to visit us but hadn't arrived yet. I was sure that they were in Paris right now. I looked up at my brother with eyes filled of tears, whispering quietly, "Did it always hurt this much to see someone you like in front of you..?"

Sam cracked a smile at me, but it was emotionless. "Yes, it does sometimes.." I sobbed a little at his response, and he wrapped his arms around me, trying to calm me down. "C'mon Olivia. Please stop crying and dehydrating yourself..."

I shook my head. "I can't." I glanced at his forest green eyes, which stared with concern, and added, "Everything hurts.." I sniffled and leaned back on the hospital bed, looking at the curtain where Alex was usually behind. My eyes began welling with tears again. It burned so much since I had been crying so much the past week. "My eyes hurt, my lungs hurt, my arms hurt, my legs hurt.." I looked at him and said, "Hell, even my heart hurts."

Sam sighed and murmured, "Olivia. Have you ever considered the thought of love?" I nodded, confused as to why he was asking that right now. "What did it seem like to you?"

"Like falling off of a cliff," I murmured, "And landing on a trampoline all while feeling and being alive." It hurt to remember that I had said those exact words to Alex two years ago. I hope he's alright.

Sam sighed and cursed, "Fuck, I knew it.." I glanced at him curiously and raised an eyebrow at him.

"I don't understand," I said. "What are you talking about, Sam?"

Sam looked at me and asked, "You said, your heart hurts, correct?"

I nodded, "Yeah.."


"I don't know," I shrugged, a little puzzled. "It's probably because I've been straining myself too much, since I still haven't fully healed."

Sam rolled his eyes and sighed, "You don't get it." He put his hands together and put them to his lips for emphasis, saying, "When you think of Alex, what happens?"

I placed a hand over my heart, "For one, my heart starts running faster, and my cheeks feel flushed. I feel more free, I guess." I looked at Sam and raised an eyebrow at him, asking, "What's your point?"

"My point is," he began, "that you like him more than you think you do. You might think this is a simple crush, but to the world, it's pretty obvious."

"What's obvious?"

Same then looked at me and said, "You're in love with him."

A/N so sorry for the short chapter!

But the story is almost at an end! 😭

I typed most of this on a school computer, so I'm truly sorry if Olivia's thoughts aren't heard as much. Anyways, tomorrow....

Is my last day of school!! *be duuuuuuuuuuuu beberp be depe duuuuu*

I'll be able to post more often (even though I post almost daily anyways...).

And! I'm also already working on a new book! It's been almost a year, hasn't it? I actually don't remember.

Anyways, thanks you guys! *throws little Natsu chibis at everyone* FOR ALL MY READERS.

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