Chapter Thirty One

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After losing a few rounds, the two tired boys trudged over to the bench, exhausted and out of breath. I was dribbling the ball, waiting for them to take a water break. Ahah, I love seeing them struggle. It's funny. Bri giggled lightly and looked at me.

"Let's admit it," she said, smiling at me, "They aren't getting off that bench."

I laughed. "You're right."

We walked up to them, and Bri sat between the two. Cody was practically flopped on the bench, stomach flat on the surface. He was hanging from it like a towel on a rack, trying to breathe, and Alex was sat down, his head facing the ceiling as he struggled to breathe. Cody reluctantly got up and sat down correctly, wiping his face with a towel.

"How.. are you doing this?" He asked, pausing for air between his sentence.

Bri snickered as I smiled at him, "It's called being athletic instead of watching the Titanic twelve times over in your pajamas while suffocating because of shoving your face with food." Cody waved me off, trying not to admit he did exactly as I had described about a week ago.

Alex looked between both Bri and me and said, "You two are monsters.." Bri whacked him with her water bottle. "Ow! What the hell, Bri?"

"We aren't monsters," Bri said, crossing her arms.

I nodded in agreement, "We're just.." I looked in her direction, and she shrugged. "Savages?" She nodded with a satisfied expression. I turned to them with a smile. "Yeah."

"Savages or not, pretty boy over there is right," Cody replied, "You are monsters."

Alex nodded, "Even the jackass agrees."


Bio-Link From: Alex James
Help me. I'm in history class and got called on. Who discovered America?

Bio-Link To: Alex James
Seriously Alex?? That's so easy!!! It's Christopher Columbus, get it through your thick head. This was in middle school, dumbass.

Bio-Link From: Alex James
Thanks Olivia! You're the best 🎉🎊🎉

Bio-Link To: Alex James
Praise me later.

I sighed as I walked down the halls. My class was dismissed early, and Alex had a few minutes until he left. That meant I had to deal with both Cody and Bri when we got to the cafeteria. I ran into the cafeteria and found Cody and Bri glaring at each other. Mentally sighing, I trudged over to them.

What a long day..

Surprising, Alex hadn't come yet, considering the middle of lunch had passed. Both Cody and Bri decided to find a basketball court early, leaving me alone for a while. I didn't mind it, and I actually shipped both Cody and Bri... I knew their relationship flopped, but from the way Cody explained, he still liked her. But then again, I was in no position to tell someone what to do when it came to feelings of the heart.

Even I couldn't admit that I still had a crush on Alex. Even if he had rejected me. For some reason, I was happy that our relationship was repairing, especially since being apart for two years. As I was walking down the halls to the gym, a message blinded my mind.

Text From: Bri Banana 😱

Great, just great.

What is this idiot doing?

I jogged as fast as I could toward the other side of the school, thinking to myself, "what did you do now, Alex?". I almost slipped at a sharp turn, and suddenly, I burst open the school doors to see a crowd of people.

I threaded through the students like a thread on a needle, yelling out, "BRI?!"

Someone grabbed my arm, and Bri pulled me into the center of the crowd. It was bigger than I had anticipated. Both Alex and some other guy were punching each other. I saw Cody trying to break them off, but they ignored his presence. Unfortunately, I recognized the other guy as Julian, a jock who picked a fight with anyone possible to raise is social status. He once asked me to a dance, but I had rejected him, harshly might I add.

Alex sent a hard punch flying at him. He looked exactly like last night. The wound on his lip had opened again, and he had bruises and cuts on his arms and face. Blood was streaming down the corner of his mouth, but he paid no attention to his injuries. Julian was the same, but he looked more bloody and wounded.

"How did this happen?" I asked incredulously to Bri as the crowd continued cheering for their favorite fighter, betting with their friends.

Before Bri could say anything, Cody had ran up to us. "HELP!!" He screamed. "HEEEEEELP!!"

I looked between the two fighters, my mind rushing. Alex was on the ground, trying to clear his head. Then, Julian charged, and time seemed to slow down. Alex's eyes widened, and he tried to put his arms up, but his guard was slow. Alex was known to be more of an offense person than defense, and Julian was super fast to guess judgement. He had calculated Alex's weakness quickly. I could see that Julian was blinded, his eyes giving away his desperation to win.

Without a second thought about my safety, I quickly dashed in front of Alex, my converse sliding on the dirt. My arms acted as a shield in front of me, Julian punching them instead of my face. I closed one of my eyes, trying to keep the dust from the run and blood of my arms away from my face. I forgot that Julian wore studded rings. The studs on his rings must've bashed into my flesh.

"What're you doing?!" Alex yelled.

I turned to look back at him with annoyance, "Protecting you, you dumbass! What does it look like?"

"I can do this myself!" He yelled over the screaming crowd, which had gotten louder when I had jumped in.

I turned to look in front of me, blood dripping from my arms and down to my elbows, spilling into the concrete ground. "Yeah right!" I shouted back. "What are you, stupid?!"

"Apparently, yes!" Alex replied, trying to stand up.

"I'm not letting you do this by yourself, you damned idiot!" I yelled, struggling to keep my guard up as Julian continued punching, not looking at who he was attacking. "He's not as strong as you, but you're too fucking arrogant!"

I picked my leg up and kicked Julian's stomach, and he let out a cough of blood. This gave me a chance to jump away. As I wiped off the blood from my arms, wincing, someone grabbed my wrist. I looked up and saw Alex glaring down at me, anger in his eyes.

"I have to do this," he said, "because this is my fight."

I clenched my jaw at his ignorance. How stupid can one person be?! "No way! I'm not—" Cody and Bri pulled me back, and I looked at them. "What? Wait, let me go!!"

Cody pulled me back even more, and Bri grabbed a few bandages from her backpack, which she kept in there for emergencies. We sat on the ground as Cody watched the boys fight. I looked over and saw Alex and Julian struggling to fight each other. The crowd kept moving, cheering and screaming at the same time. I turned to the ground and stared blankly. Why is it so important that he has to do this alone? What is this, a secret mission or something? Bri finished with my bandages.

"There we go," she said, stuffing the bandages away for later.

I looked at the bandages, examining the wraps. She's make a great person for the medical field. Giving her a gaze with blank eyes, she replied with a confused look. "What'd Julian do that pissed off Alex?" I asked.

"Julian had said a few things. Alex overheard and protested. They began having a verbal fight, and it just turned into a fist brawl," Bri explained, her eyes on the match.

"What'd Julian say?"

Bri turned and smiled at me like an idiot. I raised my eyebrow at her. She turned to look at the boys fighting before us, the crowd screaming names anxiously.

"He said 'Olivia isn't worth it'."

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