Chapter Nineteen

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"N-No way.." I whispered quietly, my eyes widening.

Mom nodded slowly, and she wiped away her tears. "I didn't tell you at a young age because it would've surprised and confused you. The reason you and Alex never remembered the implantation was because you were both unconscious. The half of your brains which were removed consisted most of your young memories, eliminating most of your memories of being with Alex when you were younger."

I was frozen in shock and disappointment. Maybe it was selfish of me to think so, but— She didn't tell me until now... She didn't tell me until now that I had a fucking metallic brain in my head. Maybe it was just half, but the shock! I've heard of metallic arms and legs, but a prosthetic brains?! I controlled my anger and looked down at the dirt, my eyes darkening a little. So, half of my brain was artificial.


"The brains were removed and replaced because you had a car crash with Alex. Apparently, a truck slammed into your Dad's car. Of course, Greg knows. He knew everything. He never told you for my sake. You were both knocked out cold, and Alex was losing his heartbeat quickly while you lost most of your blood. The doctors did everything they could." I glanced at Mom, who began flooding her cheeks with warm tears. "I can't forget the day when you were laying in the hospital bed next to me, wrapped so tightly in bandages, almost like a mummy, and I just sat there, helpless. I couldn't do anything."

"M-Mom, don't cry.." I whispered.

Of course, I'm mad at you.

Of course, I want to scream at you.

Of course, I'd rather run away as far as I can, leaving you in your tears.

But I can't.

I leaned over and hugged Mom's frail body. I closed my eyes and whispered slightly, "Don't cry, Mom. I'm okay now... I'm a little mad, but I'm glad you told me." I pulled back and gave her a smile, tears running into my mouth. The saltiness felt numb on my tongue. "Tell me more about what the metallic brains are. Yeah?"

Mom took a while to recover as Daniel and his men walked through her spirit, grabbing weapons and shit I didn't pay attention to. She sniffled when they went back to the gate.

"You cannot let them get to your head. The same goes for Alex," she explained. "If they get the one microchip in your metallic brain holding your brain together, it'll kill you. It'll just electrocute you inside-out. The metallic brain does affect some weird habits. It will usually send a nerve down your hand if someone lies. The brain can also make you see hallucinations and also play with your systems. This is only if the brain is somehow activated."

"How can the brain be activated?" I asked curiously. My fingers dug into my knees as I peered at the night sky.

Where is he?

Shouldn't he be here?

Mom shrugged, sighing, "I don't know, but there is a trigger switch in there somewhere. Alex has one half of the metallic brain, and you have the other, so when one of the halves is triggered, the other will also be triggered." My eyebrows furrowed together as I began thinking of a way to trigger the switch. Mom suddenly began to fade, her arms disappearing. She was glowing, but there wasn't any shadow or light. She gave me a reluctant smile and said, "Bye, dear. It seems I need to go back. I love you! Good luck, sweetie!"

"Wait!" I exclaimed, my chest swelling up. "I still need to know more!"

It was too late. Her spirit was already fading. Her lips moved, but I couldn't hear the sound of her voice. As soon as she disappeared, I slammed my head back onto the gravestone, groaning. Dammit, Mom. All the information she told me was a lot, but it wasn't enough.

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