02 | It's Just Around The Corner...

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At this point I was getting annoyed. She responded so quickly at first, but now that I've questioned her again she wants to take her sweet time. "Thought that would get your attention" I mocked her, talking to no one but myself. I was probably doing the most with how upset I was, but you can't say something like that to someone like me and not expect me to have this kind of reaction.

- What do you mean? -

I wanted her to get to the point. Finally, 30 minutes later I get a response.

- I work for P. He's seen your work and he would like to meet you. No I'm not catfishing you -

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. Sure you're not, I thought to myself. She still was not answering the questions that I needed answered quick enough. Did I have to break it down and spell it out for her? Who are you exactly, what do you do for Prince and why does he want to meet me? I shook my head out of frustration however my heart was still pounding. She must have got the hint from my silence.

- I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Here's my number, give me a call if you can. I'm free for the next 15 minutes -

I saved the number into my phone and dialed, almost on auto pilot. My nerves didn't have a chance to catch up to the speed of my fingers. Before I knew it, the phone was ringing. I put the phone on speaker as I brought my legs together and sat Indian style on my couch.

"This is Ria" her voice echoed through the room. "H-Hi, this is Riley" I stuttered.

"Oh hey girl! I was hoping you'd call soon, I have a fitting with P in like 10 minutes so I have to make this quick" she exclaimed nonchalantly, as if we'd been friends for years.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little taken aback right now. What exactly do you do for Prince?" I was 90% sure, but I had to ask her directly.

"My bad, I guess I should introduce myself properly" She laughed to herself "I'm Ria, I'm Prince's designer. I've been following you on Instagram for a while now. You could say I'm slightly obsessed with your work. I'm always trying to re create your looks and I fail miserably, it's all bad" I chuckled at how excited she became.

"Thank you, I appreciate that"

"Well long story short, P and I somehow got to talking about makeup a couple weeks ago. He was butthurt 'cause I told him he needed an upgrade from the liner he was using, and I mentioned you and how big of a fan you are" Oh God, please don't make me out to be some crazy obsessed fan. "So he took it upon himself to browse your profile and the next thing I know he's telling me to tell you to come to Paisley"

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets "Wha- are you serious? Just like that, he wants me to come to Paisley Park?"

"Yep" she said matter of factly. I couldn't believe this was happening. The tone in which she spoke made it seem like this kind of thing happens every day, like it was no big deal. Maybe in the Purple world it isn't, but in mine it is. I must not have realized how long I was silent for as I was processing everything I'd just heard.

"Look, I get it. You probably still have your doubts. Check your DM's in 5-..no 10 minutes after we hang up and I'll have your proof. In the meantime, clear your schedule and pack a bag. I'll give your number to his assistant and she'll call you with the details. I gotta run, this lil' man will kill me if I'm late"

"O-Okay, thanks Ria"

"Bye hun" And with that our conversation ended. This was too good to be true. I couldn't allow myself to get the least bit excited about anything until I had this so called proof she was sending me. Is punk'd still a thing? Because I felt like I was Ashton's next victim.

I impatiently waited an agonizing 10 minutes until a photo loaded onto my screen. It was a selfie, or what I thought was a selfie until I looked behind her. Low and behold, there he was in all his Purple glory. It didn't look as if he knew she was taking the photo. He was in a mirror, and looked as if he was trying on a jacket with his hands on his collar.

- This photo never happened -

- Got it-

As quick as she sent it, the photo was gone. She deleted it, but the proof that I needed was embedded into my brain. I flew forward onto the couch and screamed into my cream colored pillow. I kicked my legs and pounded on the couch in excitement. I calmed myself down and tried to compose myself. My hysteria was quickly brought to a halt when I looked down at the mess I just caused. Makeup all over my clean pillows "Ah fuck".

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