28 | The Gift

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I groaned, unaware if it was out of pleasure or irritation. My body twitched causing my eyes to peel open in its groggy state as my brain slowly began to process the pressure I was feeling on the lower half of my body. My head which was laying peacefully on my pillow turned to the center and I laid eyes on the scene that was taking place before me.

"Ah" I moaned abruptly at the sight, and feeling of Prince's face buried into my heat. Just the sight alone was enough to make me come. He was so focused, devouring every inch of me and savoring each and every bit of it. My body began to respond to him which alerted him that I was now awake. "Prince" I moaned. His eyes now looking up at mine. He hummed against me, causing me to place my hand firmly on his head as he continued to suck my clit.

"Good morning baby" he growled against my core, his voice deep with a subtle hint of exhaustion. With a firm grip on my thighs, he dug his nails into them and I wrapped each one around his head. He wrapped his arms around them as his tongue dove deeper inside of me. The knot in the pit of my stomach began to grow and my hips raised, trying to apply more pressure. Pushing me back down, his grip grew tighter and his tongue worked faster against my core

"Fuck Prince" My moans traveled up to the ceiling as my head fell back. Feeling myself getting closer, he brought one hand around and dipped two fingers inside of me. "Shit!..ah right there" I yelped as his tongue and fingers worked simultaneously. "Prince I'm-" before another word could tumble out of my mouth my orgasm ripped through me, stronger than I had anticipated. He moaned in satisfaction as he lapped up every ounce of me before removing his fingers and unhooking his arm from around me. He watched me in awe as I came undone, trying to put myself back together after he happily tore me apart.

He never left his position. His face was still inches away from my heat once I was finally able to open my eyes and look down at him.

"You know.." his deep voice began to hum and I could still feel his warm breath against me "I could get used to this whole Christmas thing"

"Yea?" I asked humoring him

"Mhm.." taking my legs in his hands, he stared at my core before looking back up at me "I thoroughly enjoyed waking up early to unwrap my gift" he said as he took my legs and spread them wider. I took a deep breath in, feeling myself growing wet again already. He took his thumb rubbing slow circles against my clit. "Can I open one more?" he pressed down and another moan left my body before his mouth latched back on to my sensitive bud.

"Baby I..I" once again words weren't able to form as he was determined to send me over the edge once more. It didn't take long between the skillful works of his fingers and that gifted tongue of his. Quicker than before my hand was latched onto his hair as I cried out his name and spilled all over him.

"God I love watching you come" he muttered as he helped me ride out my wave for a second time that morning. "Merry Christmas" he grinned up at me and I couldn't help but smile.

After we both showered and got dressed I made us a nice breakfast. I knew Alex would be over later, we've had our own little Christmas tradition for some time so we could exchange gifts.

"Are we going back to your parents today?" he asked before sipping his tea

"No, we celebrate on Christmas Eve. It's a Latin thing"

"So the 25th is just another day?"

"Kind of" I admitted "I usually spend the day with Alex or...whoever I'm dating at the time" he laughed at my confession.

"Well here I am"

"And I'm so happy you're here" I grinned and leaned across the table pecking his lips. "Do you want more babe?" I asked taking his plate

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