11 | Bad Habits

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He continued to knock on the door, and I continued to be stubborn.

"Riley, open the door"

"I think not"

"What's going on, why are you acting like this?"

I swung the door open to find him standing directly in front of me. His rich eyes bore into mine and almost made me lose my train of thought.

"You know exactly why I'm acting like this" I pushed passed him and walked back into the room, gathering a baseball tee and shorts to sleep in.

"Obviously I don't or I wouldn't be asking you"

"Why did you have Cass follow me and Ria out tonight?" I blurted out. His expression never changed, he didn't seem guilty but he also didn't seem innocent either.

"And why would I do that?"

"Fuck if I know!" He seemed bothered by my response, but I paid no mind.

"Will you stop cursing"

"Will you stop watching me like I'm a child?" I didn't give him a chance to answer, instead I grabbed my clothes and went back into the bathroom to change, slamming the door once again behind me.

"You better stop slamming my doors"

I rolled my eyes as I got dressed. He didn't make a peep after that so I continued my nightly routine, and threw my hair up in a bun before walking back out into the bedroom, assuming I would come back to an empty room. I was wrong. Prince was sitting on the edge of the bed, his head was resting on his chin and he seemed to be in deep thought. I sighed to myself as I walked over to the bed. He didn't look in my direction so I began to place the decorative pillows on the floor so that I could get in and go to sleep.

"I don't want to do this" he said calmly as I dropped the last pillow on the floor. I wasn't sure if he meant us in general or this fight we were having.

"Do what?" I asked. This time my anger had left and sadness sang in my voice. Sure I was mad at him, but I didn't want to end things like this. I didn't want to end things at all.

"Argue with you" he said as he got up and I sighed to myself in relief "Not with you leaving tomorrow" He made his way over to me and took my hands in his. He kissed both of them before intertwining them. I looked away trying to not make eye contact, I didn't want to argue either but I'm stubborn and always felt like I needed to prove a point. Placing his hand on my chin, he turned my head to face him.

"Are you done being a brat now?" I playfully stuck my tongue out at him which made him chuckle. Right then and there I knew I was going to have a hard time winning any argument with this man. Pulling my face closer to his he brought his lips to mine. I was addicted to his kiss, his lips were so soft and they seemed to mesh perfectly with mine. His hands slowly let go of mine and gripped my hips, pulling me closer to him. My hands found their way to his chest as he slowly kissed and began to nip at my neck. I leaned my head a little giving him more access. I felt his hands grip my ass before picking me up and laying me on the bed. I didn't know what was off limits with him. I'm assuming sex was a no-go, but after he gave me the best head of my life I wasn't sure what was allowed and what wasn't.

He lifted my shirt over my head and goosebumps formed all over me from the cool air on my damp skin. Taking one breast into his mouth, a soft moan escaped my lips as I felt his fingers tug on the other. Bringing one nipple in between his fingers, he tugged on it as his tongue lapped over the other. A surge of electricity moved through me at the sensation. Taking my breast from his mouth, he trailed kisses from my chest down to my stomach. Fingers tugging at my shorts, I lifted my hips making it easier for him to pull them down and throw them across the bed. Bringing his lips back to my neck, he reached beneath to grab my ass.

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