24 | Truth Hurts

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That Sunday, Prince was buried in rehearsals. He had a few shows he agreed to do at the last minute and had to get the band together as soon as possible to make everything perfect. Ria, Sam and I decided to do some Christmas shopping since it was only a week away. Afterwards we got take out and settled in front of their fireplace, eating Chinese food and drinking wine while trying to keep warm.

"What do you get a man who has everything?" I asked out loud as I dug into my sweet and sour prawns.

"Didn't he tell you not to buy him anything?" Ria asked. I glared at her, giving her an "are you serious" look.

"Like I care, it's Christmas! I can't not get him something. It's bad enough I won't be here with him"

"You're not coming next week?" Sam asked surprised

Shaking my head 'no' I replied, "My family would kill me if I wasn't home for Christmas. And it's not like he's coming to me" sadness rang in my voice unintentionally and they both took notice, Sam in particular.

"Just spend as much time with him as you can before you go.." Ria said and we all looked at each other and our surroundings before busting out into laughter. Laughing at the situation which obviously didn't involve either one of us being together at the moment.

"Oh you mean like now? While he rehearses? Ok yea perfect timing" I said sarcastically.

"Alright well, I'm gonna go change" she said as she got up off the floor and grabbed her food

"Another date?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her "When are you gonna let me meet this guy?"

She had been dating some guy for the last month and still hadn't brought him around to meet any of us. It was still early on so I couldn't blame her, but I was curious and I know Sam wanted to meet him too.

"Yea, I have a right to know who's taking my little sister out"

"You'll meet him when and if it's necessary" she said as she walked back into her bedroom. Within twenty minutes, she was dressed and out the door. Sam and I still sat in front of the fireplace, bellies full but the wine was still flowing.

"Are you flying back out tonight?" He asked me as he grabbed my glass, refilling it for me.

"No, tomorrow". He nodded before taking a sip of his red wine. I could tell he had something on his mind, but he hadn't been able to spit it out just yet.

"Why isn't P flying out to see you over the holidays?"

"You know," I shrugged "Christmas isn't his thing...none of those holidays are"

"..But you love Christmas. Hell, even I know that. He can't make an effort just because it makes you happy?"

"It's not like that Sam. You know it goes against his faith"

"Hmph" he rolled his eyes before mumbling "and fucking you goes against his faith too, but I bet he doesn't have a problem with that"

My eyes grew wide and red with anger

"How dare you! That was so out of line, are you kidding me?!"

"Look, I'm just telling it like it is. Seems to me like he picks and chooses which rules he wants to abide by and what he doesn't"

"You have no idea what he goes through. Don't ever say some shit like that again"

"Why are you settling Riley? You deserve so much more, don't you realize that?"

I was at a loss for words. Sure, he may have a thing for me but he knows good and well that I'm not going anywhere and neither is Prince. Whatever point he was trying to make wasn't working, in fact it was just pissing me off even more.

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