04 | Some Like it Hot

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I now understood why Cass had to escort us to where we'd be watching the show. The place was packed, and all standing. There was an area at the front left of the stage that was blocked off just in front of the barricade.

"You ladies have fun" He said as he ushered us in. I looked around at all the people and reminded myself to really live in this moment. I'd seen him in concert numerous times, some seats were pretty close but nothing like this. I could reach out and touch him if I wanted to. Then it dawned on me that I'd actually be meeting him face to face in a few hours. A warm rush flowed through my body as I thought about being that close to him. I felt good as I sensed the effects of the alcohol start to take its course. Like Ria said, just enough to get me there, and I was perfect. Besides, I wanted to remember every single solitary second of tonight.

Suddenly the lights went out and the band took the stage. Ria looked at me and squeezed my hand, almost as if to remind me of what I'd already told myself. I looked up to the stage as a familiar figure walked up to the mic. I'd know that body anywhere.

"Y'all ready to get funky?" His deep voice echoed through the room and I just about melted. The audience roared as the lights came on and his face came into view. "Naw I don't think I heard everybody. Now are y'all ready to get funky?" He asked again. My world stopped when he looked down directly at me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. A smirk crept upon his face as all I could do was clap. I was afraid to yell, in fear that I'd get choked up and tears would form. I finally brought a smile to my face in disbelief as his eyes never left mine.

The show was amazing, he was impeccable not that that surprised me one bit. I could feel my voice becoming hoarse as I sang every word aloud. Throughout the entire show I noticed his eyes always landing back to mine. I thought I was seeing things until at one point Ria nudged me and smiled. My cheeks grew hot in embarrassment. He hadn't even said a word to me yet and I was already putty in his hands. We danced until we couldn't feel our feet and at one point it didn't seem like he'd ever stop, but I didn't care. I'd do this every night if I could, and the crowd showed no signs of stopping either.

The show finally came to an end and I looked down at my phone as he walked off stage. It was 2:30 in the morning. "Damn, when did it get this late?" I asked in shock, looking up at Ria. "Girl this is nothing" she said "He can go longer" . This man never ceases to amaze me. "Come on, follow me" She took my hand as she led us out of the crowded room. She said hello to security as she led me down a vacant hallway. My ears began to ring in the silence from the hours of loud music they'd just been exposed to. I trotted slowly behind her as I studied all the plaques, and records that lined the hallway wall. Before I knew it, we were back in front of my door. She pushed open the door and I flew on the bed, kicking off my heels. Ria grabbed her purse and started to pack her things.

"You're leaving?" I asked as I sat up and watched her gather her belongings

"Yea babe, I gotta get home" I can't say I wasn't bummed, we had such a great time together and she was the only thing that was keeping me sane at the moment. "P will probably come looking for you soon, I'm sure you don't want me to stick around for that" I swallowed hard as I realized that moment was finally near. Truthfully, I kind of wanted her there. Initially at least, in case I make a fool out of myself and say something awkward. She flung her purse around her shoulder and came over to the side of the bed to hug me.

"If you need anything, just call me" she said as we broke our hug

"Thanks for everything Ria"

"No worries, I'll stop by before you leave" She smiled as she walked out the door. As I sat there, I realized I wasn't the most pleasant looking after hours of dancing. I ran into the bathroom as quick as I could. Who knows when he'll be ready to see me, I had to at least freshen up. I took a quick shower, fixed my face and rummaged through my suitcase trying to find something comfy to throw on. I finally settled on leggings and an off the shoulder sweater. The waiting was killing me. I tried to kill time by checking emails and booking a few appointments. Before I even knew it, sleep got the best of me and I drifted off.

What seemed like hours later, I felt a hand gently caressing my arm. I was too tired to even open my eyes, but I felt the warmth of someone's body sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me

"Riley" a deep voice spoke and without permission butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. Eyes heavy, I peered through my lashes and saw him sitting there looking down at me, hand still caressing my arm. For a moment I forgot where I was, until I saw that beautiful familiar face. "I didn't wanna wake you, but I figured you'd waited long enough" he smirked as I sat up and a yawn escaped my mouth. I quickly tried to fix my bed hair, worried about his first impression of me but he gently grabbed my wrist "You look fine" he smiled. My hands fell in my lap as a smile crept on my face. Here he was, in the flesh and even more beautiful in person than I ever could have imagined. "Hi" was all I managed to say "Hi" he laughed back at my shyness. Say something Riley!

"Thank you for inviting me" I said sincerely "I still can't believe I'm really here"

"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked, avoiding my gratitude. I nodded with a look on my face as if he was crazy

"Of course I did" He chuckled, probably because of the face I made "It wasn't the first time I've seen you perform, but it felt like it in a way. This show was different" I told him honestly

"Good. Come on" He said getting up from the bed. He took my hand and motioned for me to follow him. I quickly obliged, somewhat confused but refusing to ask any questions. I shut the door behind me with one hand while the other never left his. He readjusted our hands so that his fingers interlocked with mine and my heart began to swell. For as little he was, he sure did walk fast. I tried to keep up, but my body was still half asleep. We walked through a pair of double doors and into a remarkably furnished living room.

"Is this your room?" I asked, taking in my surroundings

"Mmhm" was all he said. He led me over to the couch which was set up with blankets and a bowl of popcorn sitting on the coffee table. "I hope you like Black and White films" he said as he led me over to sit down on the couch. Somehow I don't think I had a choice. He grabbed the remote and pressed play as he got comfortable and I tried to do the same. I watched as "Some Like it Hot" appeared on the screen

 I watched as "Some Like it Hot" appeared on the screen

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"Who doesn't like Marilyn" I said as he grinned. He grabbed the bowl of popcorn as I pulled a blanket over me. To my surprise he took the other end and wrapped it around himself so that we both were underneath. He passed the bowl my way and I took a handful, one by one popping them into my mouth. The room was pitch black, the only light emitted was from the TV which shone brightly on his face. I couldn't help but stare at him, watching his jaw line move as he took every piece into his mouth. His Adam's apple so prominent, the light seemed to intensify his features. I was mesmerized.

"Watch the movie" he said, never taking his eyes of the screen. I tried to hold back a smile as I turned back to the TV, embarrassed that he caught me staring. I enjoyed the movie, but I was way too tired to stay awake throughout the entire thing. I struggled to keep my eyes open, refusing to embarrass myself again by nodding off. It felt really nice to relax with him, this 'normal' side of him intrigued me and I wanted to get to know him more. He was adorable as he laughed at certain scenes, repeating a few lines here and there.

Low and behold I woke up just a few hours later to the sun beaming down on my face. Without making a move, I opened my eyes and looked around me. There was a pillow underneath my head and I was tucked in the blanket that we shared. "Shit" I scolded myself as I sat up. I had one chance to spend time with him alone and I ruined it by falling asleep. Smooth Riley, real smooth.

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