18 | Iris

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As I put my leggings back on, I watched as Prince sat on the bed in a daze gathering his thoughts. He didn't seem like someone who let things get to him easily, but clearly this did.

"I'll be back" he told me as he got up and walked out of the room. I knew he was going to talk to Larry and try to defend himself, although there's not much you can say about what he saw. There he was, standing in the doorway watching Prince eating me out like there was no tomorrow. My cheeks grew hot again in embarrassment just thinking about it. I couldn't just sit there, I needed to hear what was being said. I quietly walked out of the room and tiptoed down the hallway. Prince and Larry were both at the bottom of the stairs so I stayed back far enough to where they couldn't see me.

"Nelson how could you Brother!" Larry scolded him with anger in his voice.

"Look you said you were leaving-"

"And that gives you the right to mess around like that? Just because I left?"

"Quite frankly, you don't have the right to walk into my bedroom like you did"

He was so calm and collected unlike Larry who sounded as if he was about to pop a vein.

"I apologize for invading your space but you know what, maybe it' a good thing I did. What kind of path does this girl have you on?!

"She's a woman, and her name is Riley"

I appreciated the way he defended me, and I could tell his short answers were pissing Larry off.

"What has gotten into you? You know this isn't right in the eyes of Jehovah. You may not feel the need to explain to me, but you will have to answer to him! Now I suggest you stop playing games before you end up losing yourself in the process!"

"I'm very aware of who I am Larry"

"Are you sure? The Prince I know left that madness behind years ago. You just met her and she's already causing you to sin in unimaginable ways. You know good and well that is a privilege only to be shared by marriage and you know you ain't marrying her, she's a baby!"

That was all I could bear to listen to before I quietly made my way back into his room. I tried to not get emotional over it, but Larry's words struck me. Between him and Blake, I'd had enough of hearing about it. Before I knew it my cheeks were stained with tears as I silently wept over a relationship that's barely been able to see the light of day. I felt like shit and I didn't want to be the person who ruins his life and steers him down the wrong path.

I unzipped the suitcase and started placing my clothes back in. Just as I threw in a few items Prince came in the room and immediately bent down to grab my wrists.

"Stop, what do you think you're doing" I couldn't even look at him, instead I just kept my head down as tears began to soak my luggage.

"Who are we kidding Prince, we can't be together. I can't be the woman everyone blames for corrupting you" to my surprise he laughed at my response which caused me to look up at him "What's so funny?" I sniffed.

"Baby, come here" He helped me up and held me firmly by my waist with one hand while the other wiped away my tears. "You're not corrupting me. Nobody forced me to do anything with you, I'm a grown man and I make my own decisions"

"But you're not supposed to be doing any of this. I know how much your faith means to you, I feel so guilty"

"You have no reason to feel that way. I care for you, deeply. And I want nothing more than to satisfy you and please you any way that I possibly can. What happens after that is between me and God, I don't want you worrying about that" He pecked my lips and brushed my cheek "You got that?" I nodded "And I want to apologize"

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