07 | I'm Yours

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"Come on, I wanna show you something" He grabbed my hand, pulling me off the couch. I could still feel the warmth of his lips on my cheek, I swear it put me in a daze. I followed him around his room as he guided me to his massive walk in closet, complete with a vanity that even I was jealous of.

Without permission I sat at the vanity, curious to see what products he used. I saw a few eyeliners resting on the counter and I laughed out loud.

"Ria was right, you do need an upgrade" I looked appalled as I scanned his outdated products

"I do not" he said coming up from behind me and taking the pencil in his hands

"P, look how old this is. There are so many other brands that top this" I took a pencil and swatched it on my hand testing the quality. I started to go on and on about eye liner formulas and I think I saw his eyes glaze over "I'm rambling, sorry"

"No no, go ahead" He reassured me "Your face lit up as soon as you were in your element...I like that" That must be how I feel whenever I watch him pick up a guitar

"Ok well, whether you like it or not I'm sending you samples as soon as I get back home. This is ridiculous Prince" He laughed as I put all of his products back in their proper place. In the mirror I watched as he rolled up his sleeve and took the cap off one of the pencils. Without moving his head, his eyes looked at me through the mirror before giving me a smirk. Curiously I watched as he wrote something in black eyeliner, I tried to see what he was writing but he blocked my view. When he was finished he put the pencil down and brought his arm towards me. I looked down and saw my name, RILEY in all caps on his arm.

"Now we match" he said sweetly, referring to my tattoo. I didn't know what it was in that moment, but I saw something in him that I hadn't seen since we met. His smile that once adorned his lips disappeared and a look of concern seemed to appear. The sudden change worried me. Granted I'd only known him on a personal level for 2 days, but I care for this man and I always have. I stood up to face him, wanting to see if he'd give in and tell me what was on his mind. We were so close, I was sure he could hear my heartbeat. I took his face into my hands and kissed his cheek, just as gentle as he had kissed mine. I didn't let his face go, instead we stood there, taking in each others presence. His expression turned from concern to longing and somehow I knew I wasn't going to get the explanation I wanted.

He placed his forehead against mine, bringing us closer together. My mind was going 100 miles a minute, unsure of this moment but reveling in the fact that it somehow felt right.

"Were you telling the truth?" As if I didn't think his voice could get any deeper, he proved me wrong

"About what?" my voice was barely a whisper, I was trying to not let my nerves get the best of me as I felt his breath upon my lips

"Your heart" I felt like I was in a daze. The warmth of his chest upon mine, our lips barely touching and the heat rising between my legs, it was all too much.

I nodded, blinking slowly as I felt his hands lightly grab my hips. His nose grazed mine before he tenderly kissed my lips. He sweetly placed pecks on my lips before passionately taking my mouth in his. My hand trailed down to his neck as he deepened the kiss, grabbing a little tighter on my hips. His kiss told me everything I needed to know. This was a man who hasn't been loved properly in quite some time, I could feel the yearning on his lips as his tongue begged for entrance. I felt his hands move to my ass, squeezing it before suddenly lifting me and placing me on the edge of the vanity. I wrapped my legs around him pulling him closer to me, not wanting this to end. I leaned back as his hand slid up my thigh, although his hand stopped as our kiss slowed and he pulled away altogether. Both of us trying to steady our breathing, he placed his forehead back against mine.

"I'm sorry" he whispered apologetically

He released my legs from his waist as he gently pulled away from me. He rubbed his hand over his head as he looked down at the floor, assessing the situation before walking out of the room. I sat there on top of his vanity with multiple emotions running through me. I was flustered, confused, shocked...but most of all I was concerned. I wanted to run after him, but my gut told me he needed his space. Had anyone told me 2 days ago I'd be making out with Prince in his closet, I would have laughed in their face. Thinking of the small amount of time we had left together, I hoped this wouldn't put a strain on things.

I tried to calm myself down and get myself together mentally before hopping off the vanity. Prince wasn't in his room and I wasn't about to go looking for him, I'm still trying to wrap my brain around what happened. I slowly made my way back to my room and laid down on the plush bed, staring at the ceiling as I found comfort in one of the throw pillows. I grabbed onto it and held it tight, not realizing I was fighting tears until I finally felt comfortable enough to let them go. These emotions rocked me, it was as if someone had pulled off the lid to a corner of my heart that I didn't know existed, and now I don't know how to close it back up. It's one thing to love someone from a distance, but to be put in a situation where those feelings are exposed..and not knowing how or what to make of them...I was at a loss for words. I was crying out of frustration, crying out of shock, but most of all I was crying because regardless of what others may think I really do love this man. I didn't need a kiss to tell me what I already knew, but it allowed me to feel what I always knew deep down.

I finally got myself to stop crying and I fell asleep on the tear stained pillow. I wasn't sure how long I'd been asleep, but hours later I thought I heard my door open. Assuming I was dreaming, I didn't bother to open my eyes and continued to sleep until I felt something weighing down the bed. I felt a body curl up next to me so I sleepily lifted my head to see who was there. To my surprise it was Prince, he wrapped his arm around my body, pulling mine closer to his. Crying myself to sleep left me so groggy, I didn't even react to him being there. I felt him place a kiss on my cheek and a kiss on my shoulder before his head found the pillow beside mine. I fell back asleep in the comfort of his arms, content in the fact that he at least came back and our story hadn't ended before it began.

A/N A question was brought up on the last chapter that I should probably address. Silly me never really clarified what era/year this takes place. I wanted this to be present day, but 2009-2010 Prince. Hope that helps 😊

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