19 | It's Complicated

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It was an emotional morning to say the least, but I was actually really relieved to have gotten that off my chest. I knew we'd have to talk about it eventually, and just thinking about that conversation gave me anxiety. Now we can move forward in knowing that there was nothing to hide between us.

Needless to say, I was in dire need of some fun. I was pretty excited for Ria's party and to hopefully meet new people. I put the finishing touches on my outfit, pulling my boots on and throwing on some jewelry before walking into one of his studios. Prince had a guitar in his hands, as he did so often.

"You look good" He said, pausing what he was doing to look at me. I had on a body suit with jeans, but the top was pretty revealing. I was a little worried he'd freak out so I put on my jacket before I walked in. I shook my head, remembering how it felt in high school when I had to change my clothes after I walked out the door because my Dad wouldn't let me wear short dresses. Never thought I'd have to do the same with the man I was dating, but I know how he can be.

"Thank you" I said. I leaned over him trying to get a good look at the lyrics he was working on. "Is that my song?" I teased.

"Maybe. Maybe not" I rolled my eyes and bent down to kiss his lips.

"I'll see you later" as I pulled away, his eyes trailed down my jacket and got a glimpse of just how low cut my top really was.

"Don't you want people to actually look at your face when they're talking to you?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." I threw his own response back at him and laughed before walking towards the door. "Can you play me that song later?" I asked in the doorway before leaving completely.

"If you promise to come back" I smiled knowing that was his way of asking what time I planned on being back here tonight. I just smiled at him and walked out without giving him an answer.

He gave me access to his cars, so I hopped in and made my way to Ria's. As I drove there, I couldn't get over how peaceful it was out here. Polar opposite of Los Angeles and California in general. I was so used to the hustle and bustle of LA that it almost seemed like a ghost town here, but sometimes that can be a good thing. There was so much green, it was as if I'd never laid my eyes on a tree before, but there was something different about the land here. The simplicity of it all held so much beauty.

I wondered what would happen if I ended up living here full time, what our future would hold and if we'd ever be able to have little Nelson's running around. I smiled at the thought, but it also scared me. I don't deal very well with change, and that would be a big one.

As I pulled up to her place, I was actually a little surprised at her home. I'm not sure what I expected, but I definitely didn't expect to see her living in a typical "American dream" home complete with white picket fence. It was adorable, and the more I looked at it the more I could see it suiting her.

I found a place to park and let myself in, music was blaring so there's no way anyone would hear the doorbell ring anyway. There were a bunch of people inside, everyone seemed friendly enough as I tried to weave my way through the house to find her. I entered the kitchen and found her at the island pouring a drink.

 I entered the kitchen and found her at the island pouring a drink

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