37 | Trust

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I tried to get a hold of myself as best as I could. I needed to give him the benefit of the doubt, but my mind was telling me something completely different. Any chance of me going out that night was now shot to hell. Prince was the only thing on my mind..and of course whoever was there with him.

I thought of every situation I could. He very well could be telling the truth, he's worked with countless talented women, some of whom I've met. But the fact that he couldn't even tell me her name...

I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of him thinking about another woman, let alone touching one. It took him quite a while to be intimate with me, he wouldn't jump into bed with someone else so soon would he? My mind was on overdrive thinking of every scenario I could which wasn't making it any easier on me.

I texted my cousins and came up with a lie that I was sick. I didn't feel like discussing this, especially if it turned out to be nothing. But right now, I wasn't in the right frame of mind. However I needed to talk to someone before I drove myself crazy.

"Ria" I said, my voice cracking

"What's up Ri? Are you..are you ok?"

"Please don't lie to me" I quietly begged her. She's at Paisley almost every day, if he has someone there she should know, at least I hoped she would.

"Lie about what? What's going on?" her voice grew concerned the longer I took to respond. I was trying my hardest to keep it together.

"Is there another woman?" I finally asked quietly. My palms grew sweaty waiting for her response.

"Another wo-...wait, why are you asking me this? You think Prince is cheating on you?"

"I-I dunno. I called him tonight and I heard a woman in the background"

"That could have been anyone Riley, you-"

"No" I cut her off "Ria something's not right, I feel it. He's been so distant and he acted as if he was hiding something. He hung up on me when I questioned him!"

She sighed into the phone. She had no words, or she was still looking for the right thing to say.

"I promise you, I haven't seen anyone out of the ordinary. And if I did, I would tell you. From what I've seen, there hasn't been anyone else...who did he say she was?"

"Another artist" I rolled my eyes as if she could see me. "I want to believe him, I really do... but he doesn't exactly have the best track record"

"Yea but Riley that was years ago. You and I both know he is not the same man juggling 3 or 4 women at a time like he did back then. He loves you"

"I know he does" I sniffed "But I can't help but feel like he's up to something"

"I think you're being a little paranoid. For as long as I've known him, I've never seen him head over heels for a woman like he is with you. He adores you babe, honestly. But if you feel so strongly about it then come back and talk to him, sort this out in person"

"I just don't want to seem like the jealous girlfriend who doesn't trust him. If I rush back and it turns out to be nothing, how does that make me look? I just don't want to make matters worse between us"

The thought of us drifting even further apart killed me. I thought me getting away for a few weeks was a good idea...until now.

"I totally get where you're coming from, but you can't be paralyzed by that fear. Come back and let him know how you feel, and if it turns out he's telling the truth then at least he knows that you're willing to fight for your relationship. Don't let some woman you've never even met dictate your relationship"

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