42 | Connected

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I sent photos via text to Ria, Sam and Cass. I was so proud to be Luci's God Mom, I couldn't help but show her off. I know Prince told me he wanted me to keep him posted with her birth, but I didn't have it in me. I wanted to, but I couldn't. Besides, I figured Cass would show him and he'd find out that way.

One day as I was holding Luci in my arms, giving Alex a little break, the topic of Prince was brought up. Alex did what she could to comfort me, but she was a new Mom. She had bigger problems than to help me get over Prince.

"I left so much stuff at Paisley. Who knows if I'll ever get it back now" I said, my mind wandering to the place that became my second home. At the time I really hoped I was going to be back so I didn't take everything with me.

"If you have personal belongings that you want back then you need to say something. You've been putting it off for like a month "

"And what would I say? Oh Hi Prince, I know we haven't talked in over a month but I'm coming to pick up my shit. See you tomorrow"

"Well!" I rolled my eyes as I adjusted Luci in my arms.

"I don't think so Alex. Knowing him he's probably already burned everything that belonged to me AND remodeled my studio" I shook my head at the thought. God I hoped he hadn't. Part of me still kept hope alive for us.

"Look, I don't think you're going to resolve anything until you see him again. You have so many unanswered questions, so much to talk about...maybe this can open the door to a much a needed conversation"

"I don't know" I shook my head.

"Ok, start with Cass then. You've always been able to trust him, and he really liked you two together. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help you out" This is true, Cass would do anything for me. I still talk to him just as much as I talk to Ria and he hated the fact that Prince and I weren't together. "Ri it kills me to see you like this. I'm hurt by all of this too, I thought Prince was gonna be the God Father of my child for God's sakes" We both laughed and I looked down at Luci who was fast asleep. I had to admit, I did picture him taking on that role too. "But on a serious note, I know how much the two of you love each other. You owe it to yourselves to at least try"

"But why hasn't he tried Alex? Shouldn't that be my answer right there? If he wanted me as much as he said he did he wouldn't have shut me out. He wouldn't have let me go and he would have said something to me by now"

"Maybe he's thinking the same thing about you"

"But he let ME go!" I was getting frustrated and I didn't want to get into a heated argument right now so we both stayed silent for a minute.

"Look, whatever you choose to do I have your back. If you want to leave things how they are, I'll be right there with you getting through it helping you move on. If you want to try to make things work...then I'll be right behind you pushing you to do just that. Either way I want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy"



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