05 | Approval

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I sat up from the couch and stretched my body as a yawn escaped my mouth. Something tells me I'm going to have a really fucked up sleep schedule when I leave this place. I peered around the silent living room looking for any sign of him but Prince was nowhere to be found. I crept my way back to my guest room, hoping to avoid any staff I may run into. I didn't know how it would look, me sneaking out of his room like this. I made it back to my guest room only to find a note on my bed, It was a folded lavender piece of paper. I laid chest down on the bed getting comfortable for just a second as I opened it up and read.

Breakfast. Join me?

Who knew 3 words on a piece of paper could bring me such joy. I thought I'd ruined my chances and he'd be bored with me, I was happy to see that wasn't the case. I quickly freshened up with a change of clothes, throwing my hair in a high messy bun and applying light makeup to my face. As I walked down the stairs I noticed how quiet it was today compared to yesterday. There were still staff floating around, but not nearly as hectic as last night.

While crossing the atrium, I stared at the massive symbol on the tile below me as I made my way to the little kitchen. As soon I walked in, Prince came out of the double doors in front of me, holding some silverware.

"There's Sleeping Beauty" he said as I brought my hand to my face in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry I fell asleep on you, I was exhausted" I said as I followed him to one of the booths

"Don't worry about it" he told me kindly as we both sat down. There in the middle of the table was a stack of pancakes and two plates. I let out a hearty laugh as I looked at the food in front of me.

"What's so funny?"

"So the rumors are true?" I asked putting my elbows on the table, resting my head on top of my hands. He smirked as he shook his head while placing a stack on his plate and then mine.

"Don't believe everything you read...unless you experience it for yourself" He winked at me before licking his lips and taking a bite.

"So you made them yourself?" I asked through a smile, smothering mine in syrup



"If you like them or not". I raised an eyebrow and took a bite. He watched me as I chewed and dramatically savored them as if I was taste testing for the food network. He mocked me as he started singing the tune to Jeopardy. I waited for him to finish before I spoke.

"...I'm not gonna lie" I said "...these are pretty bomb" I laughed as he nodded his head in triumph. Just as I took another bite, a glob of syrup dripped from my fork onto my white shirt

"Son of a bitch" I cursed myself as I put my fork down and tried to wipe the stain out

"Don't cuss, you're too cute for that" he told me. I looked up from my shirt, trying to determine if he was being serious or funny. Something told me he wasn't kidding. I made a mental note to try and remember not to curse around him, which is going to be a challenge since I tend to cuss like a sailor.

We continued to eat and make small talk. He told me all about living and growing up in Minnesota and I told him what it was like growing up in California. We discussed religion and our beliefs, and I was pleasantly surprised by his interest in me being a Christian. I'd always heard stories about him pressing JW beliefs on others. Whether that was true or not he didn't try it with me. Quite honestly, I couldn't believe I was so nervous to meet him at first. He's incredibly easy to talk to and the conversation flowed effortlessly.

After breakfast he gave me his own tour of Paisley Park. I could listen to him talk about this place all day. His face lit up room after room as he told me different stories about every corner. He probably fed off my energy as well because I was just as happy to hear about it as he was talking about it. Our tour ended in the ever so famous vault. I was in awe of everything around me. I stared at the big brass door, hovering over me like a gold mine. I can't even begin to imagine what all lies behind that door, and how much. Prince sat down next to me in a pile of pillows, leaning his back against the wall.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him as I fidgeted with my nails

"Anything" he responded, so much truth in his tone

"Why'd you bring me here?" He stared at me for a moment and I couldn't figure out his expression which made me nervous. He brought his hands to his chin, thinking to himself as he chose his words carefully.

"You intrigued me"

"I did? Just by some photos you saw on Instagram?" I find that a little hard to believe

"I can tell when someone has a good energy about them" He began as he tucked a stray hair behind my ear. His touch made my heart race, his voice deep and comforting "I believe certain people are put in our path to teach us things, good or bad" He continued as he looked me in the eyes "I believe you're genuine" He spoke with such sincerity. I was at a loss for words by his confession, honored would be an understatement.

"What do you think I'm here to teach you?"

"That's the beauty of it" he smiled "We won't know right away, but it'll come" I bit my lip wondering what I could possibly teach a mastermind like him, How to contour his face? "Can I ask you something?" he asked as he got a little more comfortable on the floor, facing me as much as appropriately possible. I wasn't sure if I was ready for what he was about to ask me, but what I was sure of was I didn't want the conversation to end. Hearing that sultry voice over my speakers is one thing, but to hear it in person was something else entirely.

"Of course"

"Why'd you get that tattoo?" I wrinkled my face in confusion for a split second as his eyes trailed down to my side. Roses were barely peeking from underneath my shirt. I'd never been embarrassed of my tattoo until that very moment. I knew he wasn't a fan of tattoos, so I wasn't sure how he'd react to his symbol plastered on my body. I'd never thought he'd actually see it, even if he did I never thought It'd be like this.

"Uh-um" How do you answer that? How do you explain or express your love for someone you'd never met? Until today of course. There was so much I wanted to tell him, so many things I wanted to thank him for but my words were trapped.

"Can I see it?" He asked, without waiting for me to answer his previous question. I nodded and nervously lifted the side of my shirt, my black lace bra peeking from below. He scooted closer to me as he examined it. His warm fingers tracing it from top to bottom. He seemed to be deep in thought and I wished I knew what was running through his mind at that very moment. His calloused fingers spread until his hand was palming my side and his thumb traced back and forth. I swallowed hard as he gave me a light squeeze. I tried my best not squirm beneath me. Something about his bare hands caressing my skin and taking in the artwork that I essentially got for him, turned me on. "You don't need anymore" he said as he let go abruptly.

"What, tattoos?"

"Yes" he said matter of factly "No more. Especially none for me" he stood up and brought his hand down to help me up after him. I pulled my shirt back down, puzzled by his statement. I didn't know how to decipher his reaction. Especially none for me, what does that mean? I tried to not let it show, but his comment really bothered me. I didn't get this tattoo for attention or for his approval, but it would have been nice if he could see the bigger picture and realize how much of an impact his music has made on my life. Why is this man so hard to read?

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