29 | Baby Knows

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My head rattled as another cough forced its way from my chest. Day 5 with the flu from hell and it showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. My nose was running like a faucet, I was breaking into hot and cold sweats every hour and my body ached like you wouldn't believe. I felt like death. I'd been at Paisley for about a week before I started feeling under the weather. Christmas had come and gone as did the new year and we were just easing into March. I was spending much more of my time in Minnesota now that I was able to work here, which I enjoyed. However there's something about being in your own bed and own surroundings when you're sick like this. My abuela would have come over in the blink of an eye, forcing Cuban remedies on me and they always worked. But here I was, occupying Prince's bed and watching TV in hopes that I'd kick this flu soon.

"I really don't feel comfortable leaving you here like this" he said as he brushed hair out of my face, feeling my scorching hot forehead. He'd been busy working on his latest album so he had an interview that he was doing along with a television performance out in LA. I was supposed to go with him until I got sick. I would be miserable on a plane, plus if I went home I probably would be too comfortable to come back and I knew he never wanted our time to be cut short.

"I'll be fine, Sara's here" He asked his assistant to stay with me while he was gone. Taking care of Prince's girlfriend wasn't exactly in the job description, but I know he compensated her generously for it so I don't think she cared much. Still, he was pretty hesitant to leave. He'd never really seen me so helpless before and I think it made him uneasy.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Prince allowed them in and Cass poked his head inside.

"Come on boss, we gotta roll"

"I'll be right there"

"Feel better Princess" Cass winked at me before shutting the door. This whole Princess of Paisley Park thing was all his fault and now everyone was catching on

"Go" I told him, pressing my clammy hand against his arm "Get out of here, don't worry about me" He leaned in to kiss me but I shoved him away "Stop, I can't get you sick Prince!" I didn't even want to be laid up in his bed honestly. I wanted to stay in the guestroom so that he would steer clear from my cooties but he insisted, and quite frankly I was too weak to move anyway.

"Baby a couple germs aren't gonna keep me away from you" he sassed. I rolled my eyes before another series of coughs pummeled out of my chest.

"If I get you sick" I started as I got my breathing under control "I'll never hear the end of it. I love you, call me when you land" I puckered my lips and gave him an air kiss before he kissed my cheek in frustration. It's been almost a week since I let him touch me and I knew he was getting antsy but I just couldn't, I wouldn't be comfortable. I was actually pretty amused by his persistence. Flu or no flu he would try to find a way around it, although the last couple days have been the most severe and he's toned it down. It was still kind of cute.

"Watch the performance ok?" he told me before getting off the bed.

"Of course" I told him with heavy eyelids and a smile. He squeezed my thigh as he told me he loved me and walked out the door. Sara was a sweetheart, she brought up some food for me and checked on me periodically. At one point I missed Prince's call because I fell asleep, so he insisted on calling her to make sure I answered. More like he wanted to make sure I was ok.

The next morning I woke up, still feeling like shit. I could tell that my coughing had subsided a bit, but everything else still hurt. I didn't plan on leaving that bed, but I figured it might do some good to take a nice bath. I groggily, and slowly made my way to the lavish bathroom and filled the tub. It felt good to relax in something other than the bed, but it didn't last long. I quickly started to feel achy again so I washed up quick, threw on some sweats and got right back into bed. I had to remind myself to call Blake and tell him I wouldn't be having any new videos up this week, I don't even think any amount of makeup can hide how I'm feeling anyway.

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