33 | Home

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As I packed up my things I went down my missed calls list and called everyone to explain. Alex guessed the situation right off the bat. She felt bad and started blaming herself, but I reassured her that I was the one who volunteered to pick up that cake. None of us could have predicted this would happen. Blake was furious, not at me but the paparazzi so he quickly began damage control on my end. And my parents were more concerned over the fact that I may have been pregnant and didn't tell them. It was exhausting having that conversation over and over so I was glad to greet my driver when he showed up at my door.

I couldn't get to Paisley Park quick enough. As soon as I walked through the doors, I rushed through the building trying to find Prince. I didn't know why I was so frantic but I just needed to see him and be in his arms.

"Prince!" I called out, holding back tears. I kept calling his name but couldn't find him. Finally as I passed by one of the studios, the door swung open and he appeared in the hallway."Prince" I cried and he instantly took me in his arms. I didn't know what had gotten into me but I started to sob into his chest. All of the emotions that I'd been feeling recently poured out of me at that very moment.

"I'm right here baby" he told me, comforting me. He held me tight and rubbed my back, reassuring me that I was home now and everything was ok. After I had calmed down he brought me into the studio and we sat on the couch. He refused to let go of me which I needed because I didn't want to let him go.

"I'm sorry" I apologized, dabbing my tear soaked skin

"Don't be sorry, talk to me"

"I don't know what came over me" I huffed, taking uncontrollable sharp breaths in between every few words "I think this weekend was harder on me than I thought. All of this baby talk I just.."

"I understand" he kissed my forehead

"Had my situation been any different I don't think that tabloid would have bothered me so much but...ugh it was just too much at one time" He didn't say anything, he just allowed me to vent and say what I needed to say as best as I could. "She's having a girl" I blurted out. I tried to force a smile but at this point it was no use. I think my words came out harsher than they should have.

"You don't have to feel ashamed for the way you're feeling. You have every right to feel this way, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, even yourself. Your feelings are valid."

"I just feel so stupid for getting this riled up over a dumb rumor. It doesn't bother you?"

"It bothers me because it bothers you" He told me firmly "I can handle all this, I'm used to it. It'll blow over as fast as it came. People will eventually realize it's not true or they'll just end up forgetting about it once the next rumor comes along. Don't feel stupid, they unknowingly hit a nerve that they didn't know existed. But I've taken care of it, the main post is gone now"

I didn't ask any questions, I was just glad he had it taken down however he did it. It still doesn't erase all the reposts and blog posts that I'm sure were circulating. It may sound trivial, and there are certainly worse things that could have been said about me, but they don't know my past. I've never publicly announced it, nor do I ever plan to. It wasn't so much the rumor itself that got me so upset, it was all of the emotions that came with it.

Later on that evening Alex called me again, wanting to make sure I was ok. Our conversation was cut short earlier because I was busy repacking and calling everyone and their Mom.

"So you're feeling a little better now?" she asked me

"Yea, much. Thanks for checking up on me"

"Of course. What do you say we get breakfast in the morning before you leave?" I guess in the middle of all the fuss this morning, I didn't make it clear that I was headed back to Minnesota right then.

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