21 | Fade 2 Black

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To say we moved fast was an understatement, but it never bothered either of us. My friends were happy for me, and Blake eventually came around after he realized how serious we both were.

My Mom wanted to brag to the whole world that her daughter was dating Prince, but my Dad on the other hand was still coming to terms with it. He ripped me a new one in Spanish when I finally broke the news to them. It wasn't so much who he was, but the age difference. He couldn't understand what a man only a couple years younger than him wanted with his baby girl other than sex. If only he knew.

My constant weekends in Minni also caused Ria and I to grow closer. While we didn't have the years of friendship like Alex and I have, I had already considered her one of my best friends now and it felt great to have a friend and a confidant with me while I was there. Surprisingly, her brother Sam and I have become good friends too. He eventually got the hint that nothing was going to happen between us and later on I came clean about being with Prince. He still jokes here and there about taking me out, but he respects me and hasn't tried anything since. As you may have guessed, Prince is never thrilled whenever Sam and I hang out so I always try to make sure Ria's involved whenever we do. He trusts me, and while I never told him that Sam was interested in me, I'm sure he has a hunch.

A few months had gone by and things were going good with Prince and I. However, the flying back and forth to Paisley was getting tiring and annoying quite frankly. It wouldn't have bothered me so much if he came to LA to see me, but it was always the other way around. I was making trips to Paisley every weekend and while I thoroughly enjoyed our time together, I needed to be met halfway and I felt like I wasn't getting that. Not only was there no compromise, but the whole sex thing was becoming an issue for me. I loved him and respected his choices, but if he really did see a future with me, I didn't see why we couldn't take our relationship to the next level.

This particular weekend, I put my foot down and told him I wasn't going to Minnesota. He wasn't happy to say the least. Blake and I have even permanently changed my schedule so that I no longer work weekends, so I really had no other reason to not go other than to prove a point. He was pissing me off and I was being stubborn so I told him I wasn't going to see him. It was one of the first larger fights we'd had which ended with me hanging up on him.

"You have no reason to not come out here Riley" he told me sternly on the phone

"Nor do you!"

"I told you, I'm recording"

"Prince you're always recording, don't give me that!"

"Are you trying to be difficult on purpose?"

"You know what, I can't with you right now"

and with that I hung up. I knew it infuriated him because he called me back three times but I ignored each one. My phone went silent after that.

That Saturday, since it was the first weekend I'd been home in months, I decided to tidy up around my place and clean. I had my music blasting as I was deep cleaning the apartment. Of course, it was none other than Prince playing since he took up 90% of my ipod. It was interesting though, I noticed even if we weren't on the best of terms, I could still listen to his music and he'd put me in the best of moods.

Trying to distract myself with cleaning, I threw on my yellow gloves and began to scrub down my bathroom while Sexy MF blared through my speakers. I was crouched down over my bathtub, scrubbing as I bounced my ass and twisted my hips, singing along to the song.

"Sexy mothafucka shakin that ass, shakin that ass, shakin that ass"

I was in my own world, reciting every line from memory.

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