17 | Princess of Paisley Park

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That evening as Alex and I got ready for the event, I explained to her everything that happened. She was happy for me as I expected, however she did have her concerns. I sat at my vanity as she happily fixed my hair for me. Makeup was my forte, however hair was not.

"So I know you clearly don't seem to be concerned about it, and as long as you're happy I'm happy. But you do realize some people are going to have an issue with him basically being old enough to be your Dad, right?"

I met her eyes in the mirror and I scrunched my face in bewilderment.

"I know this is gonna sound crazy, but that legit never even crossed my mind"

"At all? Really?"

"Yes really. Honestly, when we're together none of that stuff even comes up. He's never made me feel like I was younger than him, he treats me just like any other woman"

"Yea but he's also not screwing just any other woman" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Technically he's not even screwing me" She pulled the curling iron away in shock.

"Come again?"

"Look, I'm perfectly satisfied for the moment..and from the way last night went, so is he. I just don't know the ends and outs of his faith... I don't think sex is an option right now"

"And you're ok with this?"

"For now, yes" She shrugged before bringing her attention back to my hair.

"Alright well, like I said if you're happy I'm happy. But you should really do some thinking before this gets serious. If he's as serious about being a JW as you say, then this relationship may not be as easy as you think"

Her words had stuck with me all night. I know it's cliché to say, but when Prince and I are together nothing else in the world matters. Not our age difference, not what the world may think, and apparently not religious beliefs to a certain extent. I made a mental note to myself to remember to make time to have a discussion with him next weekend about it, I just need us both to be on the same page.

As we rode in the town car, Blake was in the front passenger seat while Alex and I sat in the back. He was busy scheduling meetings on his phone like the workaholic he is.

"Alright so Friday night you have an event with Urban. Put it in your phone now so you don't forget"

"Um..I can't do Friday" I said quietly looking over at Alex while she pretended to not know a thing.

"What do you mean you can't do Friday? There's nothing on your calendar"

"I know, it was just planned today...I'm going back to Minnesota"

"Back to Min-..don't tell me you're gonna go see Prince again. What did he invite you to another show? You just went to his show last night"

"Yea well I'm going to see him again"

"Riley, sweetie I know the guy means a lot to you but you have a job to do. He's just a singer, what could he possibly do for you?"

"It's more than that Blake we-" I cut myself off because I didn't know what to say at this point. Blake of all people needed to know being my manager and all but I didn't like this tone he had with me.

"We what?"

"We're..together" He spun his head around so fast I thought his head was going to come off. He adjusted himself to get a better look at me from behind.

"Repeat that"

"I said we're together" He was silent for a few seconds, but only because he was trying to piece together the words that I could see forming in his mind.

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