When you try to do an art requests

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Welp, this is what happens when you try to draw late in the night. This is my amazing derp style, guys! Heh.

What happened to my dragons

I cant draw dragons


But... Here.

It's.... Galaxy.

And... My (ARG I MUST NAME THIS DUDE) thing.

Any name ideas though (for my red guy)?

Sorry, Galaxy! I'll definitely try to do a legit one tomorrow! I'm on a huge dragon artblock, so this is all I could poop out XD But i realized that you were an amazing artist and now i feel so guilty for not being able to draw dragons right now! When i find a good pose I'll start drawing one! (If I have time ahhh)

Sorry, Galaxy! I'll definitely try to do a legit one tomorrow! I'm on a huge dragon artblock, so this is all I could poop out XD But i realized that you were an amazing artist and now i feel so guilty for not being able to draw dragons right now! ...

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 Ahaha I still love this doodle though

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now