im so proud of this sketch that im gonna die soon

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God- this took SO, so long to sketch out-

It's a sketch for a ref of Ember I'm going to complete!

This is probably going to be the hardest I will ever work on a piece, ever- I'm planning to dedicate SO much time to this one thing, aah~

And I made the eyes cartoony- I think it looks much better that way :) Also, I changed the way I draw scales- and I'm loving this way!

Wow, my style really is changing ;-; But i like it!

(With wings)-

(Without wings)-

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(Without wings)-

And this is how I plan out my sketches! (Weird anatomy stuff haha)

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And this is how I plan out my sketches! (Weird anatomy stuff haha)

And this is how I plan out my sketches! (Weird anatomy stuff haha)

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(Small description plans: SKIP IF YOU WANT TO HAHA XP)

Name: Ember

Personality: Mischievous, sassy, overly optimistic, over-dramatic, and daring. She teases people and likes to provoke others- and that gets pretty annoying, haha! She can get pretty angry, though, and sometimes acts violently to those she hates. But good-trait-wise, she's VERY loyal, and is a great freind! She's really funny, too!

Backstory: She was walkin' down a street when she saw two dragons makin' out! And she did le gasp and tried to escape!

So as she was escaping, a pool dropped on her head! Then she ate a lamborghini and turned into a car and drove away!

That's the story of how she lost her innocence!


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual/Gay/Lesbian XD my first gay bab

Tribe: Night/Mud

Since she's a hybrid, she has to have flaws:

-She can't breath fire.

-She can't camouflage to night skies, and can't camouflage to mud, so her scales are practically useless.

-She can't hold her breath like a MudWing.

-She's smaller than usual.

-She has mild bipolar issues and disorders.

-She has VERY mild ADHD- which causes her energetic-ness and overenthusiastic-ness, and can cause some really bad impulsive decisions.

POWERS: Oh my, she's an animus! That's all. But the flaws balance out her powers, so i guess that's okay :)


I will most likely be able to announce the contest winners tomorrow or the day after tomorrow- because of some "TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES" (XD) finding all the stuff and deciding on the winners... Ah, this is gonna take some blood, sweat and tears ;-;

(xx_CryBabyTears_xx- I can't seem to find your Deadwing reference- could you tag me in it? I'm so sorry for the inconvenience!~)

Mkai.. Time to address summat that you all might be wondering about...

Where did all my walfs go? And my doggo art?

I don't know why, but these days I don't find any enjoyment in drawing canines and felines- or any creature on earth, for that matter.

Why? I think it's because they limit creativity compared to dragons. 

Dragons are just so, so fun to draw- every time you draw one it can be a completely unique design and shape and experience- and you can play with anatomy, shapes and push the limits of design! And i love it.

So drawings of wolves are probably going to get rarer as I improve in art- so... Yeah! I hope y'all don't mind!

And... Time for the ULTIMATE NEWS.

The snow here got really awesomely awesome..



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Okay, I needa sleep now~ Good night!

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now