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First off, the winner of the collab raffle last chapter was... Veloxinus! I was really surprised to have someone that I know to win! I used my sister as my random-number-generator bwahahah- you can sketch anything and I'll finish it! ^_^

Second- I've been doing a lot of traditional art lately, so here's a half-digital half-traditional piece-

Second- I've been doing a lot of traditional art lately, so here's a half-digital half-traditional piece-

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anD foR the last thing... *drumrollllll*


You wrote the first artbook I ever saw- you've inspired me to draw for so long. You were the reason why I joined Wattpad and created this artbook, and I've come so far thanks to you! 

 remember when I was still starting my book, I would desperately try to get your attention, and when you replied to something I'd freak out- Now, it's so much different ahhh and I can't thank you enough for how much you've impacted my life with your art! 

Wattpad has become one of the best parts in my life and it's thanks to you that I started it :D

Welp, I drew you a PFP- I made it lineless and clean and I'm lovin' this style of coloring!

Welp, I drew you a PFP- I made it lineless and clean and I'm lovin' this style of coloring!

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Yeah! See y'all!

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now