the best background in existence unless reality is lying

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2003drago I felt like drawing this- 

But, oh no, Background was fighting in a war! And he got shot! Yay!

 Background started to convulse, his eyes bulging and his body shaking uncontrollably. He grabbed his throat as foam started to dribble from his mouth. 

So I rushed the background to the hospital. He was hacking and coughing and spluttering up blood, and I was starting to panic. The nurses took him in, muttering obscure words under their breath. They hastily shooed me outside to the waiting room.

After 1 long hour of pacing, a nurse came up to me and said, "OH NOES BACKGROUND HAS DIED! I'M SO SORRY BROSKI!!!!!11oneone11"

So, I flew away on my rainbow unicorn to my wonderful rainbowland. "I guess I just have to make the background dark grey, then," I thought, and BAM!

That is the story of why the background is nonexistent. 


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