Style Challenge!

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I did the style challenge!

It was super-duper-mega fun, and i feel like I learned SO MUCH doing it.

I realized...

I need ta change my style! The style I hate most on here is mine, haha..

I'm working on making a new style Owo

But, these are all artists/freinds on Wattpad I know- but sadly, some of you guys' styles couldn't fit ;-;

Buut... Here it is!

(Sorry if Wattpad butchers the quality ahh! :))

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(Sorry if Wattpad butchers the quality ahh! :))

It includes...

WhiteTheDragoness (I love your art it's so cute aahh and how it's so unique and defining!)

Moon_Cloud (Your art is honestly AMAZING -like seriously- i think everyone already knows you, haha... Your art is AWESOME! I love it and you're a huge inspiration to me and everything! I guess you're my senpai, haha~)

xx_CryBabyTears_xx (You're an awesome freind and your art is awesome! I love your unique and cartoony style! And your personality is just amazin')

And 2003drago, i'm so sorry I couldn't get you on here! I tried drawing your style: however, i didn't think it was worthy of representing your art ;-; But you are an awesome freind and a really great animator/artist! I love Twisted Heart and all that!

And... Queazy. it's me. XD this was an unnessesary statement. what am i even writing on here whatttt (message to myself: poop) what am i doing what even is this really weird im getting carried away aahhhhh okay whoever is actually reading this flobbersmack must be very brave NOW WHAT IS THIS okay i just wasted a paragraph, whoopsies welp bye see you next paragraph?

^^^ what is that

Mkay. I think i'm going to make a main WOF oc- it's gonna look something like this-

(DISCLAIMER: I'M USING THE SKETCH FROM THE STYLE CHALLENGE. But Moon_Cloud's style is the most similar to mine, and I was too lazy to sketch even more heads, so... yeah!)

How do you like the concept? It's still a work-in-progress, and I have yet to make a full reference

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How do you like the concept? It's still a work-in-progress, and I have yet to make a full reference. But it's a Mud-Nightwing, or.... I dunno... A Sky-Nightwing?

I'm also planning to make his body look somewhat like:

I'm also planning to make his body look somewhat like:

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(Ahaha, i love doing derp plans...)

But... Yay! That was a long chapter!

(I spent around 3-4 hours drawing everthing and writing this chapter XDD)



What should I name this guy?

I think Ember sounds good, but... There might be better names out there!

And what suggestions do you have to add to the design of this boi? ^_^


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