Dakota (Fursona)

511 96 46

Man; I worked so long on this ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Maybe 3-4 hours ;-;

I haven't drawn wolves in so long; I seem to have forgotten how...

But... I was randomly inspired, so-

It's my new fursona! (I'm so proud of my hands *patpat*)

(I'm so sorry if it looks overdesigned/stereotypical/mary-sue, ahhh, i made it nyan and all that.... Whoopsies! But I guess in terms of FURSONAs it's not that bad haha)

The winged version is not the normal fursona, just a thing I made because I felt like wings would be nice :)

(I'm posting each part in case Wattpad kills the quality (;一_一))

(I'm posting each part in case Wattpad kills the quality (;一_一))

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^I'm so proud of this headshot even though it's just a sketch, i love the expression and style so much HHHHHHHH

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^I'm so proud of this headshot even though it's just a sketch, i love the expression and style so much HHHHHHHH

Mwahahaha! I'm obsessed with this guy; i found this color palette on Instagram and I freaked out a bit :3

RIP my motivation to do contest prizes

I'm so proud that now I have 3 OC's! (That may not seem like much, but... IVE NEVER HAD ANY OCS THAT ACTUALLY STUCK WITH ME ACK XD)




Also, I think I'll name him Dakota! Suits him :)

UPDATE: Man; Wattpad is really glitchy these days. It makes it hard to update, because it has this notification glitch where it will not update for others ;-; Huh, this sucks... I'll try to delete this and then redo it :O Has this happened to anyone else?

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