467 93 44

I FINISHDEEdAD IT!!!12w3e1111'''111!

TOOkakmk Me 12004023934 YEARS11111

MAN Ima SO PrsUOUD!!!!

But in all seriousness, I'm nearly done with the snek! ThE scAles tooK forEveR maN

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But in all seriousness, I'm nearly done with the snek! ThE scAles tooK forEveR maN

Ah god; the detail is going to be butchered a ton by Wattpad aahh~

Ah god; the detail is going to be butchered a ton by Wattpad aahh~

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Here's a MINI-collab too! :3

I had a nice day at my house with ! We doodled some stuff!
We ended up doing a random WALF thing XDD
I did the sketch and the lines- She did coloring and shading! Our styles blended nicely MWAHAHAHA

I had a nice day at my house with  ! We doodled some stuff! We ended up doing a random WALF thing XDDI did the sketch and the lines- She did coloring and shading! Our styles blended nicely MWAHAHAHA

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Okay- this Wattpad glitch is really bad.
I republished this (rewrote it)
4 times already.
And the notification will not be sent to all ye guys.
They need to fix this glitch. It really affects the publishing part of this app; even the website. It honestly is painful to have to spend HOURS ( I did spend an hour doing this) repusblishing a chapter just to get it out. And it still will not.
Sorry for the tiny rant!~

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now