importantish note :)

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I'm gonna extend the contest due-date to.... A long time later, because I'm going on a trip very soon, and right now there is too little time for the contest entries~

So- This might seem kinda long, but I'm changing the due date to the 21st! :)

Because I'm going on a trip to Whister from the 17th to the 21st, so yeah! I'm also probably not going to be posting much art while I'm there, but I'll keep updating~

So yeah~ From the 17th to the 21st I'll be gone.

So the contest due date is now the 21st!

nothing to say, so....

Here, have DICE stuff (ಥ﹏ಥ)

I'm sorry for intense obsession blllleeeeghhh (;一_一) 

I'm sorry for intense obsession blllleeeeghhh (;一_一) 

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bye again~

"~" count- 4

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