Mr. Raptor-Dragon at your service

376 51 14

I'm really proud of this, even though it's just base colors and a cartoon-chibi!

What do you think of this "Species"?

Dragons that are... Well... Bipedal, but not anthropomorphic, like raptors and other dinos! They also have feathers, bird-wings...

I'm loving the aesthetics of this :0

I'm loving the aesthetics of this :0

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(This is another new OC, yay!)

Welp, I gotta sleep now, but...

(Sorry if this is annoying aahhh~)

Name suggestions? Haha..

And.. Species name suggestions? :D
EDIT: Welp Wattpad is being a little beach right now ;-; the notifications won't show up that I updated aahhh
MORE EDITS: Well, seems like something.., er.... went wrong. Because I published this 3 times in 24 hours and... the notification never shows up.

Wattpad is broken guys aahhhh

MORE, MORE EDITS: I don't know why this happens... Uh...

It's not publishing. so... I guess I'll try publishing it 800000 more times? Sure.
MORE UPDATES: Huh. I have no idea what causes this glitch.

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