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Hmm, I was thinking of a random OC, so I drew a smol ref sheet. Nothing big, and I don't really like this design. But I was workin' on color theory. :D

The colors were inspired by MapleSpyder, because she's the master of color pallets, hehe..

The colors were inspired by MapleSpyder, because she's the master of color pallets, hehe

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I'm taking a small break from contest prizes, payments, requests, commisions... Because I think it's putting too much stress on me- I can't seem to draw anything now, and it all turns out horrible :)

But, tell me what you think of this smol dude- Personally i don't think I'll use it much.

Here's a really quick description that probably no one will read XP

Name: Willow (Yeah ahhh I couldn't think of any non-stereotyical ones)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight XD Or.. Dunno.. Bisexual? I have no idea.

Personality: ENTJ (Yep, 16 personalities guys!) She's impatient, violent, and easy to anger. She wants everything to be her way, and can make snarky or rude comments to those who disagree with her. She's extremely loyal, though, and she's physically, pretty strong. 

Appearance: Wolf. And all the rest is on the ref XP

Backstory: I'm too lazy to write one blegh. Err... She ate a cow one day and then farted.

Likes: Eating big fat pigeons! And fighting. And swimming.

Dislikes: Cars! They're scary. And has thanatophobia (Fear of death). And hates embarrassing herself.

Mm, that's all! :)

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