'lil green dragon

430 89 32


Phew, this took a long time to draw! I'm really proud though :3

(mwahahahahaha i'm evil i came up with a swirly signature that will take over the world and sloooowwwly get bigger every drawing)

(mwahahahahaha i'm evil i came up with a swirly signature that will take over the world and sloooowwwly get bigger every drawing)

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Oh yee.

I'm dead, because we have to memorize EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN AFRICA and where they are and like


in 2 days


I already memorized like 30

20 more to go ;-;

my brain's been fried

Oh yeah! I have a question! I'm thinking of setting up commissions which you pay for on PayPal, as a small experiment.

But I'm really unsure that people will buy my art.

The prices will probably be like 1 dollar for a non-detailed derp headshot, 2 for a hyper-detailed headshot/one like this, 5-8 for a fullbody... 

Would any of you buy one? I don't really think so, because I don't think I would buy my own art for money... Hmm..

If not, I might set up commissions for DA points instead, but that wouldn't be very beneficial to me because I don't use DeviantArt ;^;

So... Hm... Would you buy my art? 

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now