FINISHED for Alaska!

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Sorry for the lack of commentation- XD I gotta do my homework! So... Yeah.

I think there where stars in his wings

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I think there where stars in his wings... ACK

Welp, sorry for this horrible chapter :) Bye!

EDIT: Okay. Done with hw! Sorry for the cover change, it was on accident XD I'll change it back when my wifi is up again! But I hope you guys like the drawing :)
Oh yeah... it's weird how people call artists "draw-ers"... Like, cool, I'm a cabinet now! XD
Yeyaaa I think I can poop out some more art tomorrow! Hehe.
So... yeah! Oh yeah, on fitness testing I got 48 sit-ups in a minute XD yey!
Errr nothing else to really ramble on about now.... :)
Now for some shoutouts, then! 🌚
Shoutout to Arcticwolf07 for being an awesome supporter! :) and to Savithedreamwing for being there since the beginning! ;)

That's enough rambling for today, bye!

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now