A tutorial and some WIPs

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Okie, this chapter will be vErY productive! :D

So, first off, here's a traditional doodle that I did, i dunno :3

Remember Crowe? The red guy? My first OC? this is him! Ah, g'days...

And then here's a WIP of a character design I'll make as the main character of a comic I might do-

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And then here's a WIP of a character design I'll make as the main character of a comic I might do-

And then here's a WIP of a character design I'll make as the main character of a comic I might do-

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And then, here's a small fur-shading tutorial!

This is how I shade my furry dragons, and all those big hairy monsters

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

1) Lines. Pretty average, haha... Try not to make yer fur straight spikes or shapeless stuff :) And fur likes to clump a together.

 Try not to make yer fur straight spikes or shapeless stuff :) And fur likes to clump a together

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2) Base color. Color it in with the color ye want to use. I just did a bit of extra variety of color so it looked a bit more natural, but ye! Any way is fine.

 I just did a bit of extra variety of color so it looked a bit more natural, but ye! Any way is fine

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3) Main highlights. Get out a VERY saturated color (Light is more saturated) that's a slightly different hue/color than yer original (I used really saturated orange), and highlight each thingymabober-

here's a small tip! For highlighting and shading, don't use white and black, because those colors are unnatural and can make your piece dull, dirty-looking, or that stuff :)

here's a small tip! For highlighting and shading, don't use white and black, because those colors are unnatural and can make your piece dull, dirty-looking, or that stuff :)

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4) Some shading

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4) Some shading. Hmm, take a saturated dark color and follow your lines to create some nice shading!

 Hmm, take a saturated dark color and follow your lines to create some nice shading!

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5) Add some final touches ;-;

And you're done! I use this tactic to shade my dragons and it looks really nice! 

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And you're done! I use this tactic to shade my dragons and it looks really nice! 

(This is why I really liked this drawing- because I figured out how to shade much, much better :D)

(This is why I really liked this drawing- because I figured out how to shade much, much better :D)

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So... yeah! Off to eat some fOoOoOooDdd

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now